
    Beginner Tai Chi- Fridays (Start date of class TBD)

    Fridays 1:45 – 3:00 p.m.

    Cost: $45 for a 10 week session

    Interested in learning Tai Chi?  This class is for you!  Tai Chi is a gentle form of exercise using graceful movements to connect the mind and body.  Sometimes described as “meditation in motion”, Tai Chi is used for stress reduction and to help with a variety of other health conditions. This class is for beginners with no experience or limited experience.  Start date of class TBD.

    Minimum number of participants needed in order to start the class.

    Please leave your Name & Telephone Number at Reception if interested.

    Classes are open to members of the Rose City Senior Center only.  Not a member yet?  Sign up today!


    Don’t wait too long – Content by Judy

    Do we wait too long?

    To look….

    At ourselves and see ourselves as we really are? Not as we still think we are.

    Our housing and does it fit the life we will live in the future? Will we age well and safely where we are?

    Our income? Do we have enough? Will the money last or will we outlive our savings?

    Our own fragility? How will we manage and cope? When will we speak up and say I’m no longer safe on my own?


    We have a tendency to wait too long to “live” as well. We say, “We’ll travel when we retire”, “We’ll downsize and move when we retire”, “Oh, I’ll figure that out after I retire”


    Let’s revisit all of that. Let’s start planning today how we will live our lives to the fullest. Don’t put things off. Make modifications to your home as the years go by. Have most of it done before you retire. Start traveling as soon as the kids are independent and some of your money is freed up. Travel while you are healthy and able to. It’s a whole lot more fun to explore the world before you experience health issues.

    Start now thinking about what you’ll do each day, all day once you are not working. You’ll have a lot of hours and days to fill up. Do you want to learn new skills? Watch your grandchildren? Volunteer and where will you volunteer? Find a new job? Start a new career?

    Don’t wait too long. Life can pass us by. We can only wish once those days and years are behind us. Live life to the fullest and start that living right now!!

    Rose City Senior Center’s Annual Art Show

    2018 Art Show Results

    1st place winner in each category will go on to the Regional Art Show



    Estelle Tedeschi – 1st, Best of Show

    Linda Mathre – 2nd

    Rusty Cowan – 3rd

    Carole Davis – Honorable Mention

    Donald Swanson – Honorable Mention


    Natalie Caron – 1st

    Alice Harding – 2nd

    Don Rivest – 3rd

    Helen Krasun – Honorable Mention


    Debbie Gaudet – 1st


    Pen, Pencil, Ink

    Marcia Coyne – Honorable Mention



    Dennis Hancin – 1st

               Dennis Hancin – 2nd

    Dennis Hancin – 3rd


    Donna Weimer – 1st

    Donna Weimer – 2nd

    Mila Frolov – 3rd

    Donna Weimer – Honorable Mention

    Mixed Media:

    Beverly Korenkiewicz – 1st

    Marcia Coyne – 2nd

    Natalie Caron – 3rd


    Louise Lemire – 1st

    Senior Center Quilting Class – 2nd

    Janet Black – 3rd

    Janet Black – Honorable Mention



    Afghan Raffle Winner!

    Congratulations to Carol Chapman who won the beautiful white and red flower crocheted afghan which was recently being raffled off.  Thank you to all who purchased tickets to the raffle!  The proceeds will be used towards future programs at the Senior Center.