
    COVID-19 VACCINE – Sign up Information

    To check your eligibility and find ways to sign up for a COVID-19 vaccination,

    please visit

    **If you do not have access to a computer, see below for ways to sign up by phone**

    Please be aware that due to limited COVID-19 vaccines available to the state, it may take some time for appointments to become available in order for you to sign up and receive the vaccine.

    For Vaccine Appointment Scheduling options visit:

    On this State of Connecticut website, you will find options on how to sign up with different providers offering the vaccine.  Ways to sign up include either online or by phone, with online sign up being the best option at this point.  You may want to check appointment availability with different providers and at different locations as vaccine availability will vary from one to another on any given day.

    1) ONLINE – Schedule through the online Vaccine Administration Management System (VAMS).  VAMS is an online scheduling portal that allows individuals with an email address to create an account and search for a vaccine clinic near them.

    Providers that can be accessed through the VAMS scheduling system include: Local Health Departments (including Uncas Health District) and Health Centers (including UCFS and Generations).


    2) ONLINE – Schedule directly with a participating provider.  This includes scheduling and receiving your vaccine through one of the following providers:

    Hartford Healthcare (including Foxwoods Clinics):

    Yale New Haven Hospital (including Mohegan Sun clinics):



    CVS Pharmacy:

    Stop & Shop Pharmacy:

    Big Y:

    3) PHONE – If you do not have access to a computer or have trouble signing up online, you can schedule your vaccine appointment on the phone.  Wait times may vary when you call.

    Hartford Healthcare (including Foxwoods Clinics) 1-833-943-5721

    Yale New Haven Hospital (including New London and Mohegan Sun clinics) 1-833-275-9644

    CT COVID Vaccine Appointment Assist Line 1-877-918-2224   Daily from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.



    Fortitude – Content by Judy

    As I worked on my Vision Board for 2021, I searched for that all important key word – for me and for What one word was the best fit? What word would portray and define my path for 2021?

    Many businesses and individuals pick one word that best describes how they want to be characterized and/or strive to achieve in the upcoming year.

    Well, I wanted to do this as well but as much as I searched, I just could not find the right word. I kept at it. I would revisit and wander down the path of words I’d see from time to time. And yeah, there wasn’t ever quite the right fit until…

    This week I was walking along the ocean in Westbrook for the second day in a row and as I let my mind wander, there it was – fortitude. Wow, I mulled it over. Said it out loud and knew it was the word I had been searching for.

    FORTITUDE – courage in adversity. Isn’t this exactly what we all have been doing since COVID came to visit and did not leave just like an unwanted house guest. We all discovered that we have the strength of mind to endure a 2-week shelter in place that has turned into a year plus. We have discovered we have gumption, spunk, moxie and determination. We can and are surviving.

    And as I traveled down 2020, I struggled just as many businesses did on whether would survive or was it time to shut the doors and close down Jencks Network, LLC. There were no new sales happening and little money coming in. But the bills continued arriving. The question became “Is today the time to file for bankruptcy?”

    But I also knew I have a product that is stunning and needed by so many.  Also, that as we come out of COVID I know other businesses are going to be looking for “new” ways to advertise.  That post COVID we all will be in a “new world” and is in the best position ever to thrive and grow into the business I have always know it will be.

    So, I reached out for grants, PPP, EIDL and anything else that might give me the money I needed to survive. And as I said “FORTITUDE” on the beach, I knew that is exactly what I have been doing. What I will continue to do as grows in 2021. A new Senior Center is being added. A different calendar platform will be used. Other changes are in the works. I know that FORTITUDE is the strength and strong will that carries me patiently forward with firm courage.

    This word – FORTITUDE —   reflects back at me as I read my 2021 Vision Board. It says – I will experience everyday humility, curiosity, courage and confidence. I will always ask “Why?” I will look for and see the clues.

    Because I have the ability to carry on, because I and all of us who have survived COVID we all have  FORTITUDE!

    And yes, you have been traveling this same journey even if your path looks a little different, we all have had the strength to bear through a pandemic and have the ability to carry on!! We have guts, grit, backbone and FORTITUDE!!

    Transportation available:

    MEDICAL APPOINTMENTS – Transportation to needed medical appointments is available.

    WHEELCHAIR VAN – Wheelchair accessible transportation is available to medical appointments.

    MED RIDE II – Transportation is available for Seniors or Disabled Residents of Norwich  and Montville to out-of-town medical appointments.

    GROCERY SHOPPING – Currently offering grocery shopping assistance.  Please call for information.

    Please call (860) 889-5960 for information.


    April Virtual Presentations

    These virtual presentations are being shared by AARP, Seymour Public Library, Simsbury Public Library and Lyme Public Library.

    Con Artist Playbook Wed.,   April 7th  1:00p.m.

    Fraud Watch Network: Con Artist Playbook a look inside the mind of a criminal. Join us as we take a deeper look into how you can avoid being victimized and learn tools to share with friends and family.

    Registration required at

    Let’s Talk Gut Health Thurs.,   April 8th  1:30p.m.

    Trillions of microorganisms live in and on our bodies.  These include various species and strains of bacteria as well as viruses, yeast and fungi.  Bacteria had always been considered ‘bad”, germs.  Now we know, the vast majority of these microbes help keep us healthy.

    Registration required at

    Savoring Sicily: 2000 Years of History in 100 Dishes Tues.,   April 13th  5:30p.m.

    Join food historian Francine Segan as she examines how a myriad of cultures including ancient Greece, ancient Rome, France and Spain influenced the flavors of this island’s iconic dishes.

    Registration required at

    Unsolved Mysteries Tues.,  April 13th  7:00p.m.

    Have you ever wondered about some of the world’s mysterious puzzles, such as: the Bermuda Triangle, Bimini Road, Amelia Earhart’s disappearance, where is Jimmy Hoffa, DB Cooper and The Mary Celeste?  Joseph Ouellette will be exploring these fascinating historical mysteries.

    Registration required at

    The Sinking of the Titanic Wed.,   April 14th  6:30p.m.

    For over a hundred years the Titanic disaster has fascinated the public.  Join Jason Scappaticci, for an lecture that covers her creation, design, interior decoration, and her final, and only voyage.

    ZOOM meeting ID: 857 3502 2860  Passcode: Ocean

    Cybercrime: What is it and Why Should You Care?,  Sat., April 17th  2:00p.m.

    Cybersecurity expert Andy Bonillo will explain the types of cybercrime operating today as well as the potential ramifications of crimes such as the recent hack of U.S. government computers allegedly by Russia.  Andy has served with the U.S. Capitol Police and as a Special Agent with the United States Secret Service where he led the largest cybercrime investigation in US history.

    Registration required by emailing

    Tips for First Time Gardeners,  Thurs., April 22nd  1:30p.m.

    Planting a garden for the first time can be scary.  Where do you begin?  What do you have to know to plant and grow a successful garden?  Vegetables, flowers, or both?  This session will explore 10 things every first-time gardener should know, including information about soil, light, watering, and making choices of what to plant.  A list of additional resources will be given to all who attend.

    Registration required at

    The History of Chocolate Tues., April 27th   5:30p.m.

    Join food historian, Francine Segan, on a virtual guided tasting as you discover the role Christopher Columbus and Casanova played in chocolate history, how decadent high society sipped chocolate in the 17th century and modern innovations like bacon chocolate!  Did you know that Napoleon indirectly helped invent a new chocolate flavor or why M&Ms and Nutella were created because of WW II?  Discover the answers and more during this lively presentation.

    Registration required at


    CORONAVIRUS COVID-19: WAYS TO PROTECT YOURSELF AND OTHERS -Do your part to help prevent the spread!


    Wash your hands often with soap & water for at least 20 seconds.  Especially after being in public, blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing.  Use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.


    Stay home as much as possible.  If you have to go out, put distance (6 feet) between yourself and others when in public.  Keeping your distance from others is especially important if you are at a higher risk.


    Cover your mouth & nose with a cloth face covering when around other people in public.  The cloth face cover is not a substitute for social distancing.  Continue to keep 6 feet apart from others.


    Clean & disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily.  This includes tables, doorknobs, light switches, countertops, handles, desks, phones, remotes, keyboards, toilets, faucets, and sinks.


    Please call your medical provider if you feel physically or mentally unwell.  Especially if you have a fever, cough or have trouble breathing.  Do not hesitate to call 911 if you have a medical emergency.