
    COVID-19 and Stimulus Check Scams

    The Federal Government has received numerous reports of COVID-19 related scam and hoax text messages, fake emails and scam robocalls offering free home testing kits, promoting cures & vaccines, selling health insurance, Medicare offers and fake charity drives.  All of which are scams.

    The World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will never contact you offering home testing kits, cures or vaccines nor will they call requesting personal information from you.  There is currently no cure or vaccine for COVID-19 and testing is only performed by a health care worker at a COVID-19 testing site or hospital.  Also, no one from Medicare will contact you offering COVID-19 related products, offers or benefits.

    In addition, the IRS is warning people about fraudulent stimulus check related scams.  The IRS will never contact you by phone, email, text message, or social media with information about your stimulus payment, or to ask you for your Social Security number, Medicare number, bank account information, government benefits debit card account number or asking you to pay a fee to receive your check.

    Hang up on calls and delete emails & texts that are suspicious.  If you respond, they might ask you for money or personal information.  Remember to NEVER give out your personal information, bank information, Social Security number or Medicare number and NEVER send cash, checks, gift cards, wire money or give out credit card information to anyone or any organization that you are unsure about.

    If you think you are a victim of a fraud or attempted fraud involving COVID-19, call the National Center for Disaster Fraud Hotline at 1-866-720-5721 or by email at  If it is a cyber scam (internet related scam), submit your complaint through


    Rescheduled- Wed. June 24th- Presentation on Your Life, Your Legacy ~ Funeral Planning

    Time: 10:30am

    Join us for a Free seminar on planning your funeral and cemetery arrangement in advance. 

    Funeral planning can seem overwhelming.  Losing a family member is an emotional experience, and grief can make the funeral planning process difficult.

    Pre-planning final arrangements helps relieve your family of both emotional and financial burdens while making them aware of your final wishes.  Things to consider include ~ choosing between traditional burial planning and cremation, designing a religious ceremony or a celebration of life, and deciding on a final resting place.

    Join us for this informative seminar to discover four steps to planning your final arraignments while bringing peace of mind to yourself and loved ones.

    Informational Seminar by Church & Allen and Labenski Funeral Homes & Dignity Memorial

    Please sign up at Reception if you will be attending.


    Be Safe, Be Smart, Be Wise! Content by Judy

    So here we sit with Coronavirus snuggled up right next to us on the coach. And yeah, I’m not liking it very much.   You? How about we ask those germs to please leave? Tell them they have overstayed their welcome? Just flat out tell them to get out!! I don’t think any of us could have ever imagined or thought up a worldwide situation like this!! But it is what it is and we need to all – Be Safe, Be Smart, and Be Wise!

    When we think of safe, we often think of being secure, protected, free from danger. In this situation being safe is… Stay home. Keep 6 feet of space between you and others.


    We have started using “My Tribe” “My Circle” “My Posse” as a way to refer to those closest to us. So be sure they are safe too. Contact those loved ones, friends and neighbors. Work together to make things as good as you all can. Take care of each other and stay safe.

    Now let’s Be Smart – Use your time wisely. Create new routines because being together for way more hours than usual can create difficult situations. Find new ways to stay calm. Maybe find a yoga video. Learn to meditate. And you can probably find what you are looking for online. YouTube is amazing. Take a look – There is like nothing that is not there. Learn something new, maybe a craft skill, a new language. Watch silly movies. Make your own videos. Share them with those you are missing. Share online. Make others laugh. Make a list. And do the things at home you never seem to have time for. Enjoy the great weather and start spring cleanup. Get the garden ready. Clean closets, cabinets, paint that room, reorganize, fill out your census form. Be smart and “Don’t hoard” For everything you have too much of – someone else needs it. Just what are some of you going to do with 100 rolls of toilet paper??? Buy what you need and leave the rest for the next guy.


    Be Wise – take care of you!! If you don’t – you can’t take care of those around you. Be nice to you and nice to those around you. Develop a new schedule. Structure helps. Be thankful for those still out there taking care of us. The xray tech, the nurse, the doctor, the CNAs, police, EMTs, firefighters, TRUCK DRIVERS, everyone that is still working. AND Stay positive!! Don’t hoard!! Use your time wisely!! Plan parties and events for when this is all over!! Look at this as more of a gift than a punishment


    Books for Sale

    Check out the books for sale located across from the Reception desk.  New selections are added weekly by the Library volunteers.  Paperbacks and hardcovers available.  Books are used but in great condition.  They sell for 10¢ each or 3 for 25¢.  You can’t beat that deal!  Stop by and check them out!


    Challenge yourself – Content by Judy

    We are in a new decade in a new century in the midst of a huge political season.

    Take some time and reflect. Decide what you believe in today. Challenge yourself.

    Don’t settle for status quo.

    What we thought was most important in the past might have changed. We are not the person we were 20 years ago nor is the world the same.

    I recently was at a networking event and we were asked “What is important enough to you that you would protest for it?” That’s a pretty deep question to answer when you don’t know those around you. My answer was “our basic rights” The freedom of speech. The right to assemble. The right to bear arms and the right to vote.

    For others it was the ocean or the environment. We all know there are many important issues. Some have been around for a very long time and resurface. And this country was founded so we as individuals could not be suppressed. We have freedom of speech which enables us to voice our beliefs and we need to continue to exercise all these basic rights.

    We need to be a part of the process. We need to stand for what we believe in. We need to be different. Have different beliefs and wants.

    But we need to hear each other and be respectful.

    Look around at the candidates running for office. In your town, state and nationally.

    Who stands out? Who is expressing what you are thinking? Who do you think would do the best job?

    Pick a campaign or pick a cause. Get out there. Get involved. I don’t know of a group that isn’t welcoming others to join them. Campaign for what and who you believe in.

    Remember we don’t all need to agree. But we must respect our differences and listen to those other opinions.

    And as Margaret Mead said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed’ it’s the only thing that ever has.”

    Now go out and be a part of that change!