
    Tuesday, May 16th- Three Rivers Rehab Services

    Time: 10:30 a.m.
    Jodi Rodriguez, Director of Rehab for Three Rivers Rehabilitation Center in Norwich, will be here to discuss Rehab services offered at their facility to a person who goes to rehab after a hospitalization because they are unable to return home right away.  Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, and Speech Therapy will be discussed.
    Please Sign up at Reception.

    April 27th- MEDICARE BOOTCAMP – Understand Your Medicare Benefits

    MEDICARE BOOTCAMP – Understand Your Medicare Benefits

    April 27th 10:00 a.m.

    New to Medicare? Turning 65? Collecting Social Security Disability Benefits?

    Be sure to attend this informative Medicare informational session to learn more about:

    • Medicare Part A, B, C, D • When to Enroll to Avoid Penalties

    • Alternative Medicare Options • Medicare Premium Assistance Programs

    Please sign up at Reception

    Presentation by a Certified CHOICES Counselor from Senior Resources Agency on Aging.

    Presentation supported by the CT State Department on Aging with funding provided through a grant from the Administration for Community Living.

    Thursday, February 23rd- Chat with the Chief

    Thursday, February 23rd   10:30 a.m.
    City of Norwich Chief of Police Patrick Daley will be here to discuss the many aspects of his position as Chief of Police.  He will also discuss the trends he and his staff are seeing, what you should be aware of and how to stay vigilant and safe.  Please join us in the Dining Room for this informative talk with Q & A session.  Please sign up at Reception.

    Veterans Coffeehouse

    TVCCA’s  Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP)  is hosting a  Veterans Coffeehouse Every Wednesday from 9 to 11 a.m. United Congregational Church of Norwich 87 Broadway, Norwich