
    Elderly/Disabled Property Tax Credit Program

    Property Tax Credit (Circuit Breaker) Program is available to all CT real property owners who are age 65 or older or totally disabled.  Annual income cannot exceed $40,300 for an individual or $49,100 for a couple in 2022.  Discounts are based on a graduated income scale and are calculated by your town’s Tax Assessors Office.  Discount is applied directly to the applicant’s real property tax bill.

    Applications are accepted until May 15, 2023.  Apply at your towns Assessor’s Office.

    Norwich Tax Assessor (860) 823-3723


    Lottie Scott Books For Sale

    We are selling Lottie Scott’s two books, Deep South – Deep North: A Family’s Journey and Waiting for KittyBooks are priced at $15 each and can be purchased at Reception.

    Deep South – Deep North: A Family’s Journey is Lottie and her family’s story of growing up in racially-charged and impoverished South Carolina.  Under the cloud of racial discrimination, difficult farm working conditions, and family tensions, Lottie describes the unbreakable bonds of love that eventually emerged to forever bind her family members together.

    Waiting for Kitty is a children’s book.  The book recalls stories from Lottie’s childhood growing up in Longtown, South Carolina.  Waiting for Kitty can be use by parents to help talk to their children about racism and develop understanding about growing up in a different culture.


    Greenhouse Volunteers Needed

    We are looking for new additions to our group of Greenhouse Volunteers!  Sharon, a longtime greenhouse volunteer, would like to “retire” after 15 years and more help is always needed in the Spring and Summer!  The Senior Center has an outdoor vegetable garden, outdoor flower garden, and inside greenhouse with lots of plants to care for!

    The greenhouse volunteers get together every Monday morning (and more often in the warmer months).  Feel free to stop by the greenhouse on a Monday morning to talk with them about the help that is needed.

    Springtime is about raking.  Summertime is about watering and weeding.  Fall is about planning the spring bulbs.  Winter is about watering the inside plants and starting tomato seeds for our vegetable garden.  All year is gabbing about TV shows, books, local and national news, and lots of laughs!

    This volunteer position is open to Senior Center Members only. 

    Call Hilary for more information.  (860) 889-5960  


    Book For Sale

    White Gloves by Karen Warfield


    Set in Norwich, CT in the 1860’s, White Gloves is an historical fiction novel with themes of mystery, intrigue, deception, and redemption.  Follow the story of Edwina Wojneck, a maid at Rochurst Manor. New to her position, the current staff shares with her the strange and disturbing past of Master Rochurst, and the tragic present circumstances of the ladies of the house.

    Norwich author Karen Warfield is a founding member of the Norwich Historical Society and served on its Board of Directors for several years. She was Associate Editor for The Norwich Historical Society’s The 9-Mile Square, published by Bill Stanley.  Karen is a U.S. Army veteran and a graduate of Southern Illinois University.

    Book Price ~ Senior Center Members: $12.00    Non-Members: $17.00

    Purchase Book at Reception.  All proceeds will benefit the Rose City Senior Center.


    Holiday Closure

    The senior center will be closed on President’s Day: Monday, February 20th