
    Energy Assistance Program

    If you are having difficulty paying your utility bill, especially during the winter heating season, please note that the Senior Affairs Office does assist Preston residents in completing the application.  The first day for fuel deliveries that can be paid by the program is November 13, 2019.  If you are unsure as to whether you qualify for the program, please call the Senior Affairs Office at 860-887-5581 ext. 6 with your questions or to set-up an appointment.

    What to know about Primary Care Provider- CONTENT BY JUDY

    Once upon a time the doctor we went to for everything was our family doctor but now they are called our PCP or Primary Care Providers. They can be MDs, Physician Assistant or Nurse Practitioner.   We go to them for a yearly exam, a cold, and other common medical problems. If you don’t have a PCP it can become very hard to get any other health care.

    We need a Primary Care Provider who fits into our insurance plan, will be available for the majority of our health issues and who we have trust in. Someone we feel comfortable talking to.

    The problem often is when our trusted doctor retires or moves. Our insurance no longer covers our doctor. And now we need to find someone new.

    Generally, we will ask our family and friends who they use. What they like and dislike about that provider and their practice. Then is the provider covered by our insurance. Are they part of that network? Are they taking new patients?

    You also can ask other doctors for recommendations. You can ask your dentist or pharmacist as well.

    Then the next step is… Are the Primary Care Providers you’re considering easy to get to? Do their office hours work for you? Again, double check that they are part of the network of health care you are in.

    Once you have narrowed it done to one, two or three Primary Care Providers, now is the time to schedule an appointment. Go for a visit and see if you like them. Did they take enough time with you? Did they seem interested in you as a person? Did they answer your questions? Was the office staff helpful and friendly?

    If the answer is yes to the questions that are important to you then you’re all set. Otherwise keep looking!

    Don’t settle. This is an important decision. Perhaps one of the most important decisions you make.

    Remember not everyone likes the same people or the same professionals. That’s why there are so many to choose from.

    Find the Doctor and the practice that fits you so that you are comfortable when you are the sickest knowing you are getting the best health care available.


    Your Veterans Benefits – CONTENT BY JUDY

    If you served in the military and have an honorable discharge your level of VA benefits varies according to a whole lot of factors. When you served. Where you served. How long you were in. Plus, other details.

    But the good news is there is someone out there waiting to help you figure out which benefits you are entitled to.

    And I used the word “entitled” because they are your benefits. You earned them by serving and you deserve them.

    And remember things are always changing. So, if you asked about your VA benefits when you first got out or five years ago. Even last year. Ask again because lots of factors have changed.

    I mentioned having an honorable discharge and even that has been relooked at.

    Also depending on your service, you might be entitled to things someone else doesn’t get. Or they get something you can’t get.

    And regardless there is help out there for all veterans.

    Depending on where you live is where you need to go. A great starting point is the VA website and it’s super easy to find. Go to the website and poke around. Its jam packed with information for you.

    Check with your Senior Center and Town Hall. They can point you in the right direction. Call your Senator and Representative they can help as well.

    Here in Connecticut each town has a Veteran Representative trained to help all veterans. There are VA clinics and VA hospitals. Plus, a growing number of Veterans Coffeehouses.

    Ask for guidance. Stop in talk with the folks. Share your story.

    Remember to visit for the website.

    Make some phone calls!

    They are waiting to help you!!

    The next success could be yours! – CONTENT BY JUDY

    After many years working as a Senior Center Director I choose to start my business as a way to help the community learn about Senior Centers and the services and resources available to seniors and their families. And boy, I’ve learned a lot since I started

    This idea for developed from area Senior Center Directors exploring how they would change and evolve to accommodate the soon to arrive baby boomers. We talked with Maria Miranda of Miranda Creative and the foundation for a collaborative 9 town senior center website was born.

    From that point to now the learning curve has been huge. I’m proud to say that and I continue to grow every day. Maria continues to be my mentor along with Debra Jane, my finance wizard and many others have become my sounding boards.

    And then I was fortunate enough for Arlene to become my mentor through SCORE. A retired marketing and strategic planning expert Arlene readily pitches in and is guiding me with the marketing and branding of

    We always need to remember we don’t travel our journey alone and in order to meet Arlene I needed to discover SCORE.

    SCORE is a wonderful free resource that has the nation’s largest network of volunteer business mentors. There are over 10,000 expert volunteers in 300 chapters.

    In 2018, SCORE mentors helped start 32,387 businesses and create 135,687 jobs.

    SCORE is a resource partner of the U.S. Small Business Administration and is there to help you achieve your dream as a small business owner. They are there every step of the way to teach and guide you as you grow.

    When you go to the SCORE website you can choose “find a mentor”, “take a workshop” or “browse the library”. You can find the SCORE location nearest to you. You can become a volunteer. You can see the impact SCORE makes.

    Explore this website. View a webinar. Read an article. Learn how to use your stats and data to drive growth. Take a Workshop.

    There are even podcasts you can listen to as you drive to your next appointment.

    And yes, everything SCORE does truly is free.

    Score will always be there for you to access. Let them help you grow personally and professionally as your business evolves and thrives.

    As SCORE says, “The next success could be yours!”

    Who are they talking about??? CONTENT BY JUDY

    Who are they referring to when they mention those words elders, oldster, Senior Citizen, old timer, elderly…

    Is it you they’re talking about, ME??? Or are they referring to themselves….

    You know I’m not sure anymore because I’m also hearing boomers, GEN X, retirees, and then “Active Ager”

    Now I’m liking that term – Active Ager. You know it really does kinda fit doesn’t it…

    When you think about your parents, grandparents and perhaps a great grandparent and then yourself – you can see that at certain points each generation is very different at say 40, 60 and now 80.

    For example, it is becoming quite popular to be a new parent at 40 while 2 generations ago the majority become grandparents at 40.

    So, you see each generation is indeed younger than the generations before them.

    Social Security picked age 65 for retirement because for most people that is about when life ended. If they were to pick an age now it most likely would be in the neighborhood of 75 or 80.

    And if we are living well into our 80’s, 90’s and even into 100 we need to live that life actively!!

    Thus “Active Ager” Look around. Set goals. Start a whole new life to be lived fully. Start a new career! Pick one that’s fun. Something you couldn’t do all those years ago.

    It’s never too late!    It’s never too late to live!