Thursday, January 19th at 12:30pm
Come celebrate your birthday with those that share the same month as you. All those born in January join us to celebrate you!
Thursday, January 19th at 12:30pm
Come celebrate your birthday with those that share the same month as you. All those born in January join us to celebrate you!
Wednesday, January 11th
with Dr. Thomas H. Walter, D.P.M.
Call to schedule an appt.
Healthy feet are happy feet.
Every third Thursday of the month unless rescheduled. Dates will be posted here each month:
Next distribution-
Thursday, January 19th
4:00 pm to 5:30 pm or we run out!
Meets every Tuesday
Doors open at 8:30am and Meeting from 9:00-11:00am
All veterans from all services welcome!
Senior center Transportation is free with a 24-hour notice. First come, First serve.
DIAL A RIDE– Medical Transportation 24/7 when the center cannot provide it for you. Call for information and registration.
We are an intake site to complete your energy application. Please call to make an appointment.
Municipal Agent Services with the Director are available by appointment. Call if you have questions or concerns regarding Medicare, Social Security, Insurance, Medications, Food Stamps or any other services.
Appointments now being taken to prepare your taxes at no cost. Limited days & times. Call for an appointment.
Volunteers needed for a variety of areas in the center. Call to find out where you can help!
Starting in January
*Cribbage every morning at 8:30 am
*Beginner Line Dancing —Monday’s 10:30 to 11:30 am
*Intermediate Line Dancing —Tuesday’s 10:30 to 11:30 am
*Skip-Bo every Tuesday —12:15 pm
*PITCH—every Wednesday at 12:30 pm