January Lunch Menu

* Lunch reservations MUST be called into the Estuary at (860)388-1611 x216 by 11am the business day before. You can sign up for the whole month at a time or for a group of days.

Lunch is served Tues– Thursday at 12pm. Meals are a $3.00 donation that can be paid at the time of lunch. If you do not have $3.00, no senior will be turned away for an inability to pay.

Tues. Jan 3–Panko Crusted Lemon Chicken, Brown Rice, Cali Blend Veggies, Pears
Wed. Jan 4-Chili, Mixed Veggies, Corn Muffin, Apple Crisp
Thurs. Jan 5–Baked Chicken w/ BBQ Sauce, Red Potatoes, Spinach, Peaches
Tues. Jan 10– Baked Cod w/ Lemon Sauce, Roasted Potatoes, Sonoma Blend Veggies, Pineapple
Wed. Jan 11– Roasted Chicken w/ Mushroom Gravy, Rice Pilaf, Broccoli, Lemon Meringue Pie
Thurs. Jan 12–Beef Stew, Peas & Carrots, Biscuit, Fruit Juice, Orange
Tues. Jan 17– Cheese Stuffed Shells w/ Tomato Sauce, Winter Blend Veggies, Pineapple
Wed. Jan 18–Salmon w/ Cranberry Glaze, Roasted Potatoes, Veggie Blend, Fruit Juice, Brownie
Thurs. Jan 19- Chicken Shawarma, Marinated Chicken, Herbed Rice, Mixed Veggies, Pita
Bread, Tzatziki Sauce, Fruit Juice, Rice Pudding
Tues. Jan 24– Sausage & Peppers Grinder, Sausage w/ Roll, Sauce w/ Onions & Peppers,
Mixed Veggies, Orange
Wed. Jan 25Birthday Luncheon– Chicken Parmesan over Penne Noodles, Italian Blend Veggies, Garlic Knot, Fruit Juice, Birthday Cake
Thurs. Jan 26– Beef Tips w/ Gravy, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, Fruit Cocktail
Tues. Jan 31– Orange Chicken, Wild Rice, Oriental Blend Veggies, Pineapple


*Please register by calling (860)434-4127 if it your first time joining a game

• Nickel, Nickel (Card Game)– Meets Thursdays at 12:30pm– Bring 13 Nickels
• Bridge– Meets Mondays and Thursdays at 12:30pm– Monday’s group is open for tables of four and is currently accepting alternates, Thursday’s group is Duplicate Bridge
and is open to newcomers.
• Wii Bowling– Meets Thursdays at 12:30pm– This is a fun video game bowling experience with hearty, but fun competition
• Bocce Ball– Back in the spring
• Horseshoes– Back in the spring
• Cribbage– Meets Fridays at 1pm
• Scrabble– Meets Fridays at 1pm


Call (860)434-4127 to schedule appointments

Mini Pedicures– January 10th & 12th by appointment for $25.00
Haircuts-January 9th and 26th by appointment for $15.00
Foot Clinic with Foot Care Associates– (Cuts Toenails) Jan 19th by app.  for $35.00
Foot Clinic with Town Nurse (does not cut toenails) -February by appointment  for FREE
Blood Pressure Clinic Daily (Mon-Fri) from 11:00 -1:00pm– no app. needed for FREE
Medicare Enrollment Help For people turning 65 or new to Medicare by app. for FREE
Hearing Clinic March 27th by appointment for FREE
*****COMING SOON– Reiki Appointments

January Closings & Snow Days

If it snows or if snow is expected, please tune in to Channel 3 to see if we are closed or if
we are closing early. It will be listed on the ticker at the bottom of your TV screen as
“Lymes’ Senior Center”.

The Senior Center will also be closed Monday, January 2nd for the New Year Holiday &
Monday, January 16th for Martin Luther King Jr Day!

Just Dance (to the 50’s & 60’s) Class

Thursdays at 10:45am

Starting January 19th


is an upbeat easy dance class that uses songs from the 50’s and 60’s with a few surprises. This class is taught by Kris. This is a fun way to get your low impact, cardiovascular exercise in. So come join us!

Class is $5.00 which should be paid directly to the instructor

To Sign Up Call (860)434-4127 or email us at seniorcenter@oldlyme-ct.gov

Tai Ji Quan Class with Kate

Tuesdays at 8:45am

Starting January 24th


Tai Ji Quan is soothing, slow, gentle movements that can be done standing, seated, or with a chair for assistance. It uses the 8 tai chi forms which have been modified to help participants improve posture, balance, strength, and overall health. This format is for every body no matter your fitness level. There is no equipment and we never go to a mat. This is a true mind body experience that everyone can benefit from.

To Sign Up Call (860)434-4127 or email us at seniorcenter@oldlyme-ct.gov

Weather Cancellations

Snow cancellations and early closings are announced on the following television stations:
Channel 2 & WFSB Channel 3

Closing includes the Fitness Center and Coastal Café (kitchen). Our center will not reopen
until our parking lot and sidewalks are plowed for your safety.

If you are not sure, please call the center at 860-441-6785 or CALL BEFORE YOU GO Info Line is 860-445-2989.

Trip: Mystic Seaport

Thursday, January 19th from 12:30 to 4:30


Please join us as we visit the Mystic Seaport Museum and visit the exhibit Sargent, Whistler, & Venetian Glass: American Artists and the Magic of Murano.

We will take our own Thrive55+ bus leaving approx. 12:30 pm for our 1:00 – 4:00 pm visit.

$43 per resident/ $53 for non resident. Your cost includes transport, driver, museum talk, admission and a designated docent for our museum visit

Tuesday About 5

Tuesday, January 24th at 5:00pm


DJ Max with 60’s and Motown

BYOS- Bring Your Own Snacks

Registration Required