Thrive55+ Active Living center Is Among Top 5 “Best in Wellness” Community Centers in North America

Thrive55+ is proud to announce that it is a winner of the 2022 ICAA NuStep Pinnacle Award, which recognizes the top five “Best in Wellness” community centers in North America.

“Congratulations to these exemplary organizations that are leading the way in wellness based models in the active-aging industry,” says Colin Milner, CEO and founder of ICAA. “We are thrilled to recognize their ongoing commitment and passion to fostering a wide variety of engaging opportunities for members, clients and staff to live better longer.”

The Pinnacle Award now includes three categories: senior living communities, community centers (senior centers, parks & recreation facilities, adult day services) and wellness CEOs.

Prioritizing and nurturing the many aspects of wellness enables individuals to embrace their potential to pursue and optimize life’s possibilities. As the older adult population grows, community centers can significantly impact health, longevity and quality of life by establishing wellness as an essential and beneficial way of life. Wellness is not simply something to add to programs and services; instead, it is a mindset and foundation that permeates every aspect of life for all members, clients and staff of community centers. Winners of the ICAA NuStep Pinnacle Award like Thrive55+ serve as exceptional examples for others to emulate.

Happy New Year Dinner Dance

Friday, January 27th from 5:00-7:00pm


Enjoy a delicious and fun evening of dinner and dancing with us!

Live entertainment with As Time Goes By swing band!

Dinner is Pot Roast Beef Strips, Wild Rice, Gravy, Sautéed Mushrooms and Garlic, Pine Nuts and Cranberry Green Beans, Roll, Cheese Cake and Punch, Coffee/Tea.

$15 per person
Register by January 23rd
Late fee $5.00 per person

HAPPY NEW YEAR DINNER DANCE Friday, January 27, 2023

And at the end of January we are offering our HAPPY NEW YEAR DINNER DANCE Friday, January 27, 2023   5:00 to 7:00 pm.

Enjoy a delicious and fun evening of dinner and dancing with us!  Live entertainment with As Time Goes By swing band! Dinner is Pot Roast Beef Strips, Wild Rice, Gravy, Sautéed Mushrooms & Garlic, Pine Nuts & Cranberry Green Beans, Roll, Cheese Cake, Punch, Coffee/Tea.

$15 per person Register by January 23rd


A Musical Performance by T-Bone

Back by popular demand!!!  A Performance by Musical Entertainer, T-Bone.  A professional entertainer for over 40 years, T-Bone’s blend of wit and his music will have us laughing, singing, clapping along, and even dancing within minutes! Join us on January 25th at 1:00pm for this free performance.

Food Distribution

We continue to work with United Community & Family Services to provide the monthly food distribution at the Preston Senior Center. The program is open to residents and non-residents alike.

Beginning in the month of January, there will be invited agency guests who will hand out information concerning their particular agency. For example, one month it may be staff from TVCCA Energy Assistance Program, possibly a local health care agency or hospital to provide
handouts which you may find useful. This is an important way of getting the word out of services/benefits which individuals may not be familiar with.

We hope to continue our monthly distributions throughout the winter months (within reason,
blizzards are definitely out). Our January distribution will be held on Friday, January 6th from 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. February distribution will be held on Friday, February 3rd
Special note of thanks goes out to UC&FS and their staff for their continued support which they bring to Preston residents. I would be remiss if I didn’t also recognize the support from our own hard working crew including Cathy Brosnan, Sandra Allyn-Gauthier plus always ready to provide last-minute emergency coverage star Amy Brosnan!! Thanks to one and all.

TVCCA Cafe January Menu

Our Congregate Meal Program is open to all individuals who are sixty years of age and older. The suggested donation is $3.00 per person. Persons under the age of sixty years are welcome but are charged a higher price for the meal. For additional information regarding those persons under the age of sixty, please contact the Preston Senior Center at 860-889-0770. We are pleased to provide our January menu selections.

9 January: Italian Pork Sausage & Peppers, Penne Pasta w/Herbs, Green & Waxed
Beans, Pineapple Tidbits, Bread, Margarine and Beverage.
16 January: Closed for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. holiday.
23 January: Sloppy Joe w/Bun, Herb Roasted Potatoes, Corn w/Peppers & Onions,
Fresh Orange, Bread, Margarine and Beverage.
30 January: Chicken Cacciatore, Pasta Shells w/Marinara, Green & Waxed Beans,
Sweet Treat, Bread, Margarine and Beverage.

Reservations are necessary to participate in this program. You may register
in person at the senior center or by calling the center at 860-889-0770 on Monday
mornings or Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. We look forward to your

Elderly and Totally Disabled Tax Relief Program

The qualifying income guidelines for the Elderly and Totally Disabled Tax Relief Program application to be filed for the 2022 Benefit year are $40,300.00 for unmarried individuals and $49,100.00 for married persons. The Application filing period is February 1, 2023 through May 15, 2023.

You will need to provide proof of all sources of income including but not limited to Social Security, pensions, interest statements, employment etc. If you filed Income Tax, a copy of the signed and dated document, including supporting documentation is necessary to provide. It is extremely important that you bring all necessary documentation regarding proof of your income when you arrive for your appointment. Items to be included as part of qualifying income are as

*Wages, bonuses, commissions, gratuities and fees, self-employment net income
(do not include depreciation expenses).
*Net Social Security (Box 5 from SSA-1099), Federal Supplemental Security
Income, payment for jury duty (excluding travel allowance).
*Dividends and Interest
*IRA-include only “taxable amount” NOT “total distribution”
*Black Lung payments
*Green Thumb payments
*Interest or proceeds resulting from gifts received
*Lottery winnings
*Net income from sale or rental of real or personal property (do not include
depreciation, receipts for expenses required when no tax return has been filed)
*Pensions and annuities-include only “Taxable “amount
*Veteran’s pension and veteran’s disability payment
*Railroad retirement
*Severance pay; UNEMPLOYMENT compensation
*Worker’s compensation
*DSS cash assistance (SAGAP)
*Legal Settlements-Net Proceeds
*Dependency and Indemnity Compensation from Dept. of Veterans Affairs
*Cancellation of Dept
*If property is owned in trust any distributions received from the trust (Verified
with a copy of the trust federal tax return)
*Capital gains total from previous year only (a capital loss carryover from a
previous year should be excluded from qualifying income calculations)


Persons already receiving the Elderly and Totally Disabled Tax Relief Program benefits will receive correspondence from the Preston Assessor’s Office indicating that this is the year in which you need to reapply for your benefits. Please contact the Senior Affairs Office at 860-887-5581 extension 6 to schedule an appointment.

AARP Tax Assistance Program

The AARP Tax Assistance Program will be returning to the Preston Senior Center this year. We will be having some small changes to what we’ve done in the past and that is mostly due to COVID 19’s persistence in the region.

Appointments will be scheduled at one-hour intervals starting at 10:00 a.m. and continuing through 1:00 p.m. We will require that face masks be worn by everyone entering the senior center. We are also limiting the number of persons in the building at one time. We look to accommodate persons who have had their taxes done by AARP Tax Councilors at the Preston Senior Center as our priority. Some adjustments to our schedule are possible due to changes necessary to accommodate safety precautions.

The AARP Income Tax Assistance program is free of charge and will be conducted at the Preston Senior Center, 42 Long Society Road. The income tax preparation assistance is designed for low and middle-income tax payers of all ages, with special attention to those individuals who are 60 years of age or older. We also ask that you bring your Income Tax documents from 2021 which
you filed. If married, we ask that both husband and wife are present during the income tax counseling session. Taxpayers must bring all documents which they have received that apply to their 2022 income tax including:
*All SSA-1099, Social Security Benefit statements and RRB-1099, US Railroad
Board Forms.

*All SSA-1099 forms (1099-INT, 1099 OLD, 1099 DIV, 1099-R, 1099-B, 1099-S,
All W-2, Wages and Tax statements if employed during 2021. *All 2-G, Certain
Gambling Winnings forms.
*Original cost of assets sold during 2022. Broker statements.
*Accurate Social Security numbers must be furnished for all/any dependents,
which are claimed.
*If applicable, proof of payment of property tax and motor vehicle tax.


Our FREE AARP TAX ASSISTANCE appointments will begin on Wednesday, February 8, 2023. The appointment schedule includes the following dates:
February 8th, February 22nd
March 8th, March 22nd
April 5th

If you are interested in scheduling an appointment with a Certified AARP Tax Counselor, please call 860-887-5581 ext. 6 leaving your name and telephone number. You will be contacted regarding scheduling availability. When coming to your appointment, we strongly recommend that you bring your 2021 income tax documents with you.

The AARP Tax Assistance Program is provided FREE of Charge by extremely well trained and Certified counselors. Our AARP Tax Counselors make every effort to ensure accuracy and they complete each and every income tax appointment in a professional manner. Sometimes tax returns take a longer period of time to complete, when this happens, your patience is appreciated.

Massage Therapy

Massages to be offered on Wed, Jan 11th & 25th from 1pm to 4pm.

You can reserve a 25 minute appointment for $30 or a 55 minute appointment for $60.

Additional day added Thu, Jan 19th, 9am – 12pm.

Register with the Senior Center. Payment is due at time of reservation.


Tuesdays, January 10th & 24th. Starts at 8:15am.


Sponsored by Pretty Nails and Spa

15 minute appointments
$5pp – Cut, file, shape, and polish.
Register with the Senior Center.