Medicare and You: Home Health Care Services

Andie Mackey, a Home Health Specialist from Kindred at Home in Old Saybrook will be speaking on Medicare and You: Skilled Home Health  Services at no cost to you.  The presentation will be at the Lyme’s Senior Center on Friday September 16 at 1pm – 2pm.   Snacks will be provided.

AAPR Driving Course

October 7th , AAPR Driving Course,  1-5pm

AARP Drive Safety Class will be held on October 7th.  from 1:00 pm- 5:00 pm.~ Call (860)434-1605 ext. 240 to sign up.~ Cost is $15.00 for members/ $20.00 for non-members. Checks written to AARP only. No cash accepted.

Senior Police Academy


Gary Ingles, Resident Trooper will be leading a 5 week Senior Police Academy on October 6th, 13th, 20th, and 27th at 10:00am.  This fun and informative program will feature classes on history of the CT. State Police and the Resident Trooper Program, Criminal Investigations/Evidence Gathering and Accident Investigation. A tour of Troop F in Westbrook will finish out this class.  Call the Senior Center to register.

Three J’s and How Barbershop Quartet

Join us for a performance from the Three J’s and How Barbershop Quartet on Wednesday, October 5th at 1:00pm.  This free performance of harmonious voices will bring you back to the good old days.

Trip Planning Meeting

Do you have ideas of places you want to go in 2017?   Join us for the 2017 Trip Planning Meeting on Tuesday, October 4th at 1:00pm.


This program is Connecticut’s State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP). It provides free information and assistance about current Medicare choices, Medicare Supplement Insurance (Medigap), Medicaid, Long-Term-Care Insurance, long-term-care options, prescription drug assistance and other related state and federal programs.

Each Area Agency on Aging is staffed with a CHOICES Coordinator who receives extensive training in health care issues. The coordinator provides written information and advise and when appropriate, refers consumers to a trained volunteer counselor, for additional assistance. Volunteers meet with older adults, other Medicare beneficiaries, and/or their families at various sites statewide.

Area Agencies on Aging provide general assessments of older persons who appear to be in need of resources and provide them with appropriate assistance.

For more information call 1-866-388-1888 or in Eastern CT call Senior Resources at 860-887-3561

Newport Playhouse and Cabaret

Join us for a trip to the Newport Playhouse and Cabaret in Newport, RI.

Play: Last of the Red Hot Lovers. $76.00 per person. All you can eat buffet.

Registration begins. Sept. 1st.  Minimal walking.

Mohegan Sun Trip

Join us for a trip to Mohegan Sun on Thursday, November 3rd. Departure will be from East Lyme Senior Center.

Trip fee $20.00 per person. Make checks out to Lymes Senior Center. No meal included, but you will receive a casino package. Registration begins September 1st.  Moderate walking.


Wed afternoons in September @ 1pm

Presented by South Central Regional Director

of the Alzheimer’s Association’s

Maria Tomasetti

Sept 14th             

Healthy Living For Your Brain and Body

Sept 21st

Know the 10 signs of Alzheimer’s

Sept 28th

Basics of Alzheimer’s Disease

Registration begins September 1st.


New Registration System- Please Bear With Us

Welcome back from summer!

Groton Senior Center fall classes are starting and the staff has been busy changing over

to a new registration system. Please bear with us as we are learning this new system.

Once up and running fully, you will be able to register online for classes and programs as well as

continue to register right at the center. We thank you for your patience.


bear with us