Category: Programs
Retirement Planning and RMD May 23 at 5:30 pm
SCAMS targeting Older Adults talk May 17
IPhone Photography, Part 2
IPhone Photography P.2 takes place on Wednesday, June 14th; 10 AM– Learn how to use all the apps available on our IPhone to edit our favorite images. Also learn how to use online photo developing services such as Walgreen’s photo services or Mpix to quickly and inexpensively make photos.
Restoring Long Island Sound One Garden At A Time June 14th at 1pm
Restoring Long Island Sound One Garden at a time will be held on Wednesday, June 14th at 1pm. Presentation by Judy Preston. The estuary of Long Island Sound is teaming with life. But areas of the Sound are choking on excess nitrogen that comes, in part, from coastal and watershed residential landscaping practices. Be a part of the solution: come learn about the Sound, and Sound Gardening. This program explores the benefits of transitioning our gardens, and yards, into sustainable landscapes that collectively can make a significant environmental difference. Learn about what “native” is, why that matters, and how to attract and sustain wildlife, while also managing your landscape to reduce water, fertilizer, and chemical use, which benefits our backyards and Long Island Sound. This program is free for members.
Monday at the Movies: 80 for Brady
Monday at the Movies will be held on Monday June 12th at 1pm. We will be showing 80 for Brady. It’s 2017 and New England Patriots fans are pumped for their team charging into the Super Bowl again. Those fans include Lou (Tomlin), Trish (Fonda), Betty (Field) and Maura (Moreno), lifelong pals bored with their humdrum golden years. With rumors of Tom Brady’s retirement in the air, the quartet throw caution to the wind and fly themselves out to Houston to try to get into the game. They run into eccentric patrons and even some of their beloved Patriot players while having as much fun as they want. Join us for this free showing!
Double Vision Art Opening Reception
Double Vision Art Opening Reception will be held Thursday, June 8th from 4-5pm. This amazing show will feature multiple painting artists and a photography artists paired up together to represent the same subject.
Many art pieces will be for sale. In addition, we will be serving refreshments and you will have a chance to meet the artists.
Updating our Registration Software
Groton Parks & Recreation and Thrive55+ are updating our online registration for a more user-friendly experience. In our continued effort to improve your customer experience, we’ll be introducing a new registration software in the coming month.
Please be patient with us during this transition.
Upcoming Lifelong Learning Lecture: The Lost City of New York: A Tour of NY’s Demolished Landmarks-
In the name of progress, New York City has lost some impressive architecture. Multiple Madison Square Gardens, a skyscraper, train station, and multiple mansions have fallen victim to the wrecking ball because of New York’s love for all things modern. Free for members, $10.00 for non-members 55 years of age and better.
Know and Challenge Your Brain
*This Series is presented by a certified dementia specialist from Hartford Healthcare Center for Healthy Aging* Join us.
June 6th at 1pm; Session 1-Challenge Your Mind Daily: Activities To Keep Your Mind Sharp
June 13th at 1pm; Session 2–Feeding The Brain: The Importance of Diet and Hydration
June 20th at 1pm; Session 3–Benefits of a Purposeful Life: Finding Meaningful Engagements
June 27th at 1pm; Session 4–Good Sleep and Brain Power: The Importance of Sleep & Your Brain
July 11th at 1pm; Session 5–The Blue Zones: Lessons for Living Longer from the People Who’ve Lived the Longest.