Category: Programs

Upcoming Lifelong Learning Lecture: The Sinking of the Titanic

On Wednesday, April 5th at 1:00PM with the Bow Tie Historian, Jason Scappaticci will lecture on the Sinking of the Titanic.  For over 100 years the details of this maritime disaster have fascinated the public. She has been the subject of multiple movies, songs, cookbooks, novels, and a Broadway musical.

This lecture goes into her creation, design, interior decoration, and her final, and only, voyage.

Upcoming Lifelong Learning Lectures

Please join us for Lifelong Learning Lectures and Performances . These are FREE for members, $10 for non-members.

• April 5th at 1 PM– The Sinking of the Titanic with the Bow Tie Historian
• April 19th at 1 PM– A Human Face on World War 2 (told through a soldier’s letters)
• May 3rd at 1 PM– The Sinking of the Lusitania with the Bow Tie Historia

Boxed Lunch Wraps from Coffey’s

On Monday, April 3rd at 12 pm. we will be getting boxed lunch wraps from Coffey’s.

A choice of a turkey club wrap (w/ turkey, bacon, lettuce, tomato, and mayo on a plain wrap), a smoked ham wrap (w/smoked ham, swiss cheese, roasted red peppers, red onion, green lettuce, mayo and Dijon mustard), or a tuna wrap  (w/ provolone cheese, lettuce and tomatoes).

All sandwiches come with a bag of chips and a bottle of water. The cost for this boxed lunch is $5.00 for members, &7.50 for non-members. Lunches can be taken to go or eaten in our dining room.

All orders and payments will be due by March 27th.

Parade Practice

On Monday, April 3rd at 11 am, the Lymes’ Senior Center will be starting the Parade Practice for the Memorial Day Parade. We will be meeting every Monday at 11 AM thereafter.  Please call the Lymes’ Senior Center to sign up.

Are You Ready To Quit Smoking Virtual Program

Classes Begin Tuesday, March 14th  at 6:30 p.m.

A 7-Week virtual program to help you become tobacco-free!

The American Lung Association’s Freedom From Smoking® program is designed to give you the support you need in a comfortable, confidential setting offered virtually via ZOOM.  Get assistance in preparing to quit using tobacco, taking that first step to quit, and helping you not return to tobacco use.  This program also helps you prioritize other healthy behaviors that support a tobacco-free lifestyle.

This program is being offered by Uncas Health District and is open to anyone who lives or works in Southeastern Connecticut.  This program is FREE and includes FREE nicotine replacement therapy.

Register by March 10th    Contact Carolyn Wilson

(860) 400-2072


Dementia & Caregiving Series

Mondays in April   1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.


Join us for this free 4-week series presented by Kristine Johnson, Dementia Specialist from Hartford Healthcare Center for Healthy Aging.  Are you caring for someone with dementia?  Do you want to learn more about the progression of the disease and helpful communication tips?  Would you like to be able to recognize common behaviors and know how to respond?

April  3rd – Overview of Dementia

April 10th – Basics of Communication and Understanding Behaviors

April 17th – Safety and How to Structure Daily Activities

April  24th – Taking Care of the Caregiver and Care Options

Participants are encouraged to attend all 4 sessions but it is not required.  A question and answer period will be included each week.  Community Recourses available to you will be discussed.

Sign up at Reception for each week you will be attending.


Creative Arts Group

Meets Mondays at 10:00am


Group lead by Kerri Redner, LCSW, RYT, C-MI

This group meets weekly and will focus on music, movement (in chair), writing and art.  Each week different music is played to help guide a creative activity.  New participants welcome!

If interested, please call (860) 889-5960 to register with Kerri. 

Craft Class with Joyce

Friday March 3rd and 17th at 10:00am


These easy, seasonal crafts are good for beginners but all Members are welcome.  Class size is limited.

Sign up at Reception


Generations Family Health Center

Wednesday, March 22nd from 11:45am-12:45pm


A representative from Generations Family Health Center will be at the Senior Center to discuss the health care services they offer. Generations is located at 330 Washington Street, Norwich.

Drop-in between 11:45 a.m. – 12:45 p.m. to discuss your health care needs.  An appointment is not needed.


Center of the Blind Presentation

Friday, March 24th at 10:30am


The South East CT Community Center of the Blind will be speaking about their organization and the services they provide to those persons who are living with low vision or blindness.  The Center of the Blind is located in New London and offers services such as transportation, Lunch & Learn programs, support groups, and a retail outlet stocked with items for those with vision impairments.

Discover how technology is helping the visually impaired become more independent.  This one hour presentation will be followed by questions & answers.  Examples of items they sell will be available.

Presentation by Wendy Lusk, Executive Director, South East CT Community Center of the Blind, Inc. and Kevin Harkins, Board of Directors Vice President.

Sign up at Reception if you will be attending.