Strength training increases muscle mass, helps strengthen your bones, weight management, relief from arthritis pain, lowers risk of injury, and improves cardiac health. You will be safely guided, by an ACE certified personal trainer, through a variety of exercise designed to increase muscular strength, range of motion, and flexibility required for everyday living at its best.” Wear comfortable clothing & sneakers and take charge of your health !
Category: Programs
BETTER HEALTH PROGRAM- Fridays from 8:00-4:00pm
Concert: The LOL High Scholl Select Singers
LOL High School Select Singers will be here on Thursday, December 22nd at
1:00pm as part of their District Carol Tour. Come join us for this fun and festive
FREE FOR MEMBERS/ $10 for non-members 55 years of age & better.
· January 4th at 1:00pm- The Roaring 20’s
· January 18th at 1:00pm– The Amistad Story
“Take Your Best Shot” Camera Club
From December 1 to December 30 – ”Take Your Best Shot Camera Club” will be exhibiting their framed photographs at Old Lyme Town Hall. We invite you all to join us and come see our work.
Counseling Services
Counseling for positive mental health and well-being is available with Kerri Redner, LCSW.
Appointments are scheduled Monday – Thursday. There is no fee for this service.
Please call Kerri to schedule an appointment (860) 889-5960.
Holiday Greeting Cards for Sale! We offer Holiday Greeting Cards for sale at 10¢ per card!
Looking for some Holiday Greeting Cards at a great price? Stop by the Senior Center and check out our selection! We have a large selection of cards to choose from in various holiday designs. Greeting Cards are located in the card rack across from Reception. Holiday cards will be available for purchase after Thanksgiving.
St. Vincent de Paul Place Miracle Bag Donations
The Senior Center will be collecting items to donate to St. Vincent de Paul Place this Holiday Season for their Christmas Miracle Bags program. Miracle Bags are gift bags of essential items that will be given out on Christmas Day to those in need.
Items that are needed: bar soap, deodorant, razors, shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, toothbrushes, shaving cream, toilet paper, combs, hair brushes, winter hats, winter gloves, winter scarves, socks, individually wrapped candy (fun size bars) and granola bars. Monetary donations and gift cards ($5 or $10) to Dunkin Donuts, McDonalds, Walmart and grocery stores are also appreciated.
*Please be sure all items are new, in unopened containers and not expired.*
If you would like to make a donation, please drop items off at Reception no later than Tuesday, December 13th so we can get them to St. Vincent de Paul Place!
Norwich Human Services is seeking individuals and organizations that are willing to sponsor a local family this Holiday season. All Families are from the Norwich area and are in financial need with most living below the poverty level.
Please contact Norwich Adult & Family Services at (860) 823-3778
You or your organization will choose the size of family you are willing to help. You will be given information about the family in need, including first names, ages, sizes and special interests of each family member. All families have been screened by a case manager to verify information and need.
Thank you! The staff at Norwich Human Services
Bells of Fire Handbell Concert on Friday, December 16th at 10:00 a.m.
Please join us for a delightful morning of holiday handbell music by the Bells of Fire Handbell Choir led by Director Jane Nolan. Fun holiday music including Winter Wonderland, Jingle Bell Rock and It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year will be performed. Some audience participation will be included.
Monetary donations will be collected to support the Bells of Fire music fund.
Please sign up at Reception if you will be attending.