Tuesday, December 7th at 1:00 pm. Lynn McCarthy, MS, TIYT, E-RYT will be offering practices and
proven ways to hack into your body’s wisdom and guide you
through the holidays and every day with ease. Discussions,
demonstrations, and an opportunity to try out methods that
will serve your needs and make your holidays less stress and
more joyous. Pre-registration is required. This free event will
be held in person and virtually. Please let us know which way
you wish to attend when registering.
Category: Programs
Old Lyme Town Band Holiday Concert
On Sunday, December 5th at 2:00pm the Old
Lyme Town Band Holiday Concert will be LIVE
STREAMED and members with internet access will be able to enjoy this program live
from home. No in-person audience will be
allowed. On Tuesday, December 14th at
1:00pm we will re-broadcast this concert
here at the senior center on our large movie
screen for folks to come and see!!
Pre-registration is required. Please call 860-434-4127 and let us know if you wish to
join us for the December 5th (online) OR
December 14th (in person) taped event.
LIVE Virtual and In Person Lyme-Old Lyme Select Singers Holiday Concert
Wednesday, December 22nd at 12:00pm
Join us for a wonderful holiday event as the LOL High School Select Singers perform
holiday tunes and jazz numbers. Pre-registration is required. A zoom link will be sent
to all members that wish to watch it from their home. In addition, we will be showing
this LIVE STREAMED event on our movie screen for those without internet access.
Call (860)434-4127 to pre-register for this event. Please make sure to indicate
whether you will enjoy it here or at your own home.
DATE: Wednesday, December 8TIME: 12:30 – 2:30FEE: $5INSTRUCTOR: Jeanette Green
Gerald Moshell, Professor of Music Emeritus, Trinity College, will lead and accompany a sing-along of great songs