Category: Programs

Tuesdays and Fridays via Zoom- Tai Ji Quan: Movement for Better Balance Class

Tai Ji Quan: Moving for Better Balance is a research-based falls prevention exercise program that uses Tai Ji Quan based movements to improve strength, mobility, balance and daily function and to prevent falls. It is designed for older adults 60+ years old and people with balance difficulties. The next class of Tai Ji Quan will be held on October 5, 2021, from 8:45 a.m. – 9:45 a.m. Class meets: Tues. & Fri. Location: Zoom. The class is Free. Must be 60+ years old to participate. Contact Connie Capacchione, Uncas Health District at 860-639-5138.

October- Upcoming Fitness Classes


All classes are now session based. 3 month session length.

Ageless Fitness (once known as Senior Fitness)       

Monday and Wednesday


New session starts on Oct 4th and end Dec 22nd (no class Oct 6th & Oct 11th). In person instruction on Mon and Wed at 10am. Registration now open. Class fee $44R and $48NR.


Chair Yoga 



New session starts on Oct 4th and ends Dec 20th (no class Oct 11th). In person instruction on Mon at 10:45am.  Registration now open. Class fee $22R and $24NR.


Strength Training

Monday and Wednesday


New session starts on Oct 4th and ends on Dec 22nd (no class Oct 6th & Oct 11th). In person instruction on Mon and Wed at 11:30am. Registration now open. Class fee $55R and $60NR.


Recreational Pickleball



New session starts on Oct 12th and ends on Dec 21st. In person play. Must register your interest to play for the session and then register weekly for the next upcoming date of play. Registration now open. $3per play.



Tuesday and Thursday


New session starts on Oct 5th and ends on Dec 23rd (no class Oct 7th, Nov 2nd, 11th & 25th). In person instruction on Tue and Thu at 9am. Registration now open. Class fee $40R and $44NR.


FitDance Gold

Tuesday and Thursday


New Session starts Sep 28th and ends on Dec 23rd (no class Oct 7th, Nov 2nd, 11th, 23rd, 25th, 30th, Dec 2nd, 7th, 9th). In person instruction on Tues and Thu starting at 3pm. Registration now open. Class fee $47R and $50NR.


Tai Chi

Wednesday and Friday


New Session starts Oct 6th and ends on Dec 22nd (no class Nov 26th). In person instruction on Wed and Fri at 9am. Registration now open. Class fee $44R and $48NR.


Ping Pong



New Session starts on Oct 6th and ends on Dec 22nd. In person program. Must register your interest to play for the session. Registration now open.


Chair Yoga 



New session starts on Oct 13th and ends Dec 22nd. In person instruction on Wed at 1pm. Registration now open. Class fee $22R and $24NR.


Chair Yoga 



New session starts on Oct 8th and ends Dec 17th (no class Nov 26th). In person instruction on Fri at 10:15am. Registration now open. Class fee $20R and $22NR.


Beginner/Advanced Beginner/Drills & Coached Play


10-2pm    10 -11am/Beginners, 11am-12pm/Advanced Beginners/Intermediate, $10pp for each lesson. 12 -2pm (no play 11/19) Beginners/advanced beginners

New session starts Oct 1st and ends on Dec 17th (no play Oct 8th, Nov 26th). In person play. Must register your interest to play for the session and then register weekly for the next upcoming date of play. A minimum of 4 is required. Registration now open.  $3per play. Must have knowledge of the game. No lessons will be given.




10-2pm  10am/Drills & Play   12pm/Open Play

New session starts Oct 2nd and ends on Dec 18th (no play Oct 9th). In person play. Must register your interest to play for the  session and then register weekly for the next upcoming date of play. Registration now open. $3per play.


At this time, we cannot accept credit card payment.


Fri, October 22nd at 6pm and Sat, October 23rd at 1pm- MURDER MYSTERY “White Feathers II”

Location: East Lyme Community Center

Fundraiser for the East Lyme Senior Center.

Seats are limited for each performance to allow for social distancing. Come join the fun – solve the      mystery – win a prize!

The mystery is set in the 1920s. Wear your best flapper dress or zoot suit to get into the swing of things!

Ticket price is $30pp.

Call 860-739-5859 to reserve your spot!! Or stop by the Senior Center office for your ticket.

ACTING & SCENE CLASS- Thursday afternoons 12:00 to 2:30pm

With Joyce Beauvais

Starting  Sep 30th  – Nov 4th

Workshop Presentation Mon, Nov 8th


Learn a new skill: Acting and Scene Class. Fun, Friendships, and Fascinating!  The techniques of acting applied to scenes. No memorizing.

$70.00 Registration Fee

Come join the fun!


Grab and Go Lunches are available through the Estuary Council

Five delicious and nutritious frozen meals per person are available for contact-less pick up every Tuesday morning at the Lyme’s Senior Center, 26 Town Woods Rd, Old Lyme, CT from 11:00am to 12:00pm.  The meals will be placed in your truck or back seat. You can place a check there as well for payment. All appropriate  COVID-19 precautions are taken while handling the meals.  Suggested donation is $15.00 for 5 meals, however if you cannot afford it, you are not required to pay. To get more information or to order the meals, call 860-388-1611. Meals MUST be ordered by the Friday before at 11am.

Wednesday, October 13th from 10:00 – 12:00 a.m.- Annual Flu & Pneumonic Clinic (and Shingles)

Thank you to the individuals who have already registered for the Wednesday, October 13th clinic at the Preston Senior Center. For those who are procrastinating, October 13th is right around the corner and we want to help you stay safe and protected from the flu. I will contact each preregistered individual closer to clinic day. I will review insurance carrier information and verify
identification numbers which are necessary to submit to the insurance companies. Registration is easy, just call the Senior Affairs Office at 860-887-5581 extension 6 leaving your name and telephone number and informing us as to which vaccine you are interested in. This year we have available the Shingles vaccine, Pneumonia Vaccine and Influenza vaccine. I will keep you informed and updated as clinic day draws closer. Don’t forget to register!

Neighbors helping Neighbors

Do you have a skill or a service that would benefit a senior in need? We are looking to compile a listing of Niantic & East Lyme residents ready and available to assist seniors with odd jobs, grass mowing, raking, dump runs, shoveling / plowing, etc… If you would like to add your name to our listing please contact us. Please note we are not looking for contractors. We are looking to put together a “neighbors helping neighbors” listing with reduced pricing or free of charge services for seniors in our community. Reliable teens or retirees welcome!


Thursday, October 14th at 1:00pm- Travel Club

Join our new Travel Club !  Help us create the trips you want to go on.

We will discuss ideas for upcoming trips and showcase a favorite destination.


Call the Center to register.