Category: Programs

Strengthening Your Way to

Less aches and pains

Enhanced mobility
Better balance Injury prevention
Improved posture Maintain bone density
Increased confidence, independence & longevity
How? First, we’ll enter the world of strength training in a safe and mindful way, by beginning with
the building blocks of joint preparation, mobility and strength.
This class will guide you through a variety of strength exercises using an assortment of approaches
that will fit the needs of your body. For example, you will learn a variety of seated, standing and
prone exercises designed to increase muscularstrength, range of movement, balance and activity for daily
living, using bands, body weight, and weights.
Why? Strength training can often help with imbalances created or perpetuated by repetitive movements and lack of movement. Strong muscles help protect the bones and connective tissues, maintaining bone health.
When? Starting September 23rd through October 28th Thursdays (6 weeks) and November 4th- December 16th (6 weeks) $48 for 6 week sessions or $90 for all 12 weeks. Class will be held at 8:30 am.
Who? Lynn McCarthy who holds an MS in Exercise Science and has taught exercise and Yoga
I and Cardiac Rehab for more than 30 years

Join us for a Boxed Lunch Day! Wednesday Sept. 15th at 12:00pm

We will be ordering boxed lunches from Subway to include a 6-inch cold sub, a bag of
chips, a cookie, and a bottle of water. Sub options are cold cut combo (Bologna, Salomi,
and turkey), Ham, Turkey, Tuna, BMT (Peperoni, Ham & Salomi), Ham & Turkey, Spicy
(Peperoni and Salomi) and Veggie Delight. You will also be able to pick out veggies
(lettuce, tomatoes, spinach, cucumbers, pickles, olives, hot peppers, banana peppers,
sweet peppers, red onion, green peppers), type of cheese (provolone, American, swiss,
pepper jack) and sauces (chipotle, honey mustard, ranch, Caesar, buffalo, parmesan, vinaigrette, sweet onion, BBQ, mayo, mustard), and bread (Italian, Herb and Cheese,
Wheat). All orders and payments will be due by July 20th. As a thank you to all our wonderful members from the Board we will be charging $5.00 for this meal valued at $8.50.
Order and payment due by September 8th.

WALGREENS FLU SHOT CLINIC- September 9th, 10th and 23rd



 Thursday Sept 9th – 10:00 to 12:00 PM- Flu Shot Clinic

Friday, Sept 10th – 10:00 to 12:00PM- Tetanus, pneumonia, Shingles & Flu Shot Clinic

Thursday, Sept 23rd – 3:00 to 5:00 PM- Flu Shot Clinic




Finding Joy in everyday life with Lynn –September 28th at 1:00pm

Through the Pandemic many of us have had to endure sadness, loss, boredom, and anxiety. Join
Lynn McCarthy as she helps us explore the “not-so-secret” secrets in finding joy in our everyday life.
This program is free. Call to register.

Watercolor Classes

Please welcome Jeanette Green who has extensive teaching experience and has come highly recommended. She has
taught at the Mystic Art Center, Norwich adult ed, Norwich Free Academy Sat. am children’s classes, Colchester Adult ed,
Griswold senior center, Gales Ferry Community center, Norwich senior center, the Artware store in Groton, Ledyard senior
center and Lebanon senior center and has also taught private clients and various small groups. We will be holding 3 initial
classes of different levels and each class will be open to members. Each class costs $6.00, and you will need your own basic
supplies. A list of needed supplies can emailed to you upon request. Pre-registration is required, and space is limited so call
soon! To give everyone a chance to join one of her classes, we will ask you to sign up for just one class. You can be put on a
waitlist for the additional classes as well. We can call you about a week before the class if there is still space available.
Creating Space and using Perspective (Intermediate Level)- Monday, September 13 from 1:00-
There are many methods of creating the illusion of 3-D space on a 2-D surface. We will discuss and
explore them then students will plan and start a painting that shows deep space. Several photo references may be used in the same painting.
Limited Palette Painting (Beginner Level)- Monday, September 30 from 1:00- 3:00pm
Paint a composition by only using 2 – 3 tube paints. By using a very limited selection of colors, the artist is forced to concentrate more on the tonal value (lights/ darks) of the composition. This produces a
more unified, pleasing painting. I find this a valuable lesson for new painters.
*****We will be having two watercolor classes in October. October 4th & 25th from 1:00-
3:00pm. Please call mid September to find out class topics. We will be asking class participants in
August and September for their ideas and preferences. If you have an idea for a watercolor class
subject please let us know.


When a retired high school teacher Eva (Shirley McLaine) loses her husband, she mistakenly receives a
$5,000,000 check on her deceased husband’s $50,000 life insurance policy. Her friend Maddie (Jessica
Lange), whose husband has just left her for a younger woman, convinces her to keep the money and they
both depart to live it up at a resort on Gran Canaria, in the Canary Islands.