Category: Programs

Sat, December 12th- 32nd ANNUAL NIANTIC LIGHT PARADE

Time: 5:00 – 8:00pm

McCook Park – Drive Thru Event

You stay in your car and drive by the floats.

Come visit us and see our float!

Over the Hills and Through the Woods to Grandmother’s House we go!



Upcoming Classes for December 2020


All are subject to change.

Mon thru December 14th, 10am, Senior Fitness- Senior Fitness offered on Mon at 10am via Zoom. You must contact the Senior Center office to register.

Mon thru December 14th, 11am, Ukulele Lessons Level 2- Instructor led lessons for advanced beginner on up students  on Mon at 11am via Zoom. Class is full.

Mon thru December 14th, 11:30am, Strength Training- Strength Training offered on Mon at 11:30am via Zoom . You must contact the Senior  Center office to register.

Tue thru December 15th, 9am, Yoga- Senior Yoga  to be offered on Tue at 9am via Zoom. You must contact the Senior Center office to register.

Thu thru December 17th, 12:30pm, Guitar Lessons – Advanced Beginner- Instructor led lessons for advanced beginner on up students. Session completely on Zoom. Class is full.

Thu thru December 17th, 1pm, Acting & Scene Class- Learn the tools of acting by Exercises – vocal, movement, timing, professionalism in the theater and much more. Be prepared to laugh, work hard and find your inner creativity. Session completely on Zoom.

Chair Yoga- We will contact participants about the status of Chair Yoga.

Tai Chi-  We will contact participants about the status of Tai Chi.


Friday, December 18th- A Connecticut Senior Center Virtual Holiday Bash

Time: 1 – 2:30pm

Join us for a Zoom webinar to celebrate the holidays.

This is a statewide event.

Don’t miss out.

Call us with your interest and we will tell you how to register. Don’t wait. Sign up early.

Enjoy a holiday themed variety show.

And just for registering you will get a gift bag.


Tue, December 8th- Take & Make Craft Projects- 2 options- Beginner & Advanced

Time:10:00– 11:00am

Pick up Craft Project

Zoom Presentation to provide instruction

Register by Fri, December 4th

11:30am – Beginner level craft instruction

12:00pm – More advanced level of craft instruction

Contact senior center for more detailed information


Please Welcome Candy (Chick) Heikkinen our new Program Coordinator!

Please welcome Candy Heikkinen our new Program Coordinator!  Candy (Chick) Heikkinen grew up in East Lyme and is excited to be a part of our Center.

Candy lived in Saunders Point and graduated from East Lyme High!  She has worked in the hospitality industry her whole life and has been an active member with the Waterford Parent Teacher Organization and Waterford Little League. In her spare time she enjoys spending time with her husband, her two children, and her Goldendoodle Bella at Gardner’s Lake! Feel free to reach out to her at any time with questions, ideas or even just to say hello!


Friday, December 4th- Mobile Food Pantry

Hosted by UCFS Healthcare in partnership with United Way Gemma Moran Food Pantry in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

One bag with perishable and non-perishable items will be given out to each

Questions concerning this event may be directed to

Time-10:00am to 11:00am.


Decembers- Virtual Presentations

These virtual presentations are being shared by Fairfield Senior Center,

West Hartford Senior Center, Cromwell Senior Center and Cheshire Senior Center.

  • The Strategic Significance of Pearl Harbor Mon., Dec 7th  10:00a.m.

The Strategic Significance of the Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor presented by Mark Albertson.

Pre-registration required by emailing to receive the link.

  • Virtual Hanukkah Celebration in 2 Parts Tues., Dec 8th  1:30p.m. & 2:45p.m.

1:30p.m. Jewish Heroes (and Not So Heroic) presented by Susan and Art Zuckerman.

2:45p.m. Klezmer music by Zev & the East Side Klezmer Ensemble featuring Tami Sherman.

Pre-registration required by emailing to receive the link.

  • Virtual Concert – ECH05 – Happy Holidays Wed., Dec 9th  1:00p.m.

East Coast Hop Orchestra Quintet-Live music streamed from Atria Hamilton Heights.  ECHO is a jazzy act, combining genres of Jazz from the 40’s to today.

Pre-registration required by emailing to receive the link.

  • Historical Hartford – Churches & Synagogues Thurs., Dec 10th  1:00p.m.

Hartford is home to many historic churches & Synagogues. This talk will focus on some of these buildings used by the major denominations. Walk virtually with Dan Sterner through history as you see these buildings with special historical significance.

Pre-registration required by emailing to receive the link

  • Virtual Concert – Airborne Jazz Thurs., Dec 11th  1:00p.m.

Holiday concert by jazz group Airborne Jazz.

Pre-registration required by emailing for the link.

  • The History of Christmas Mon., Dec 14th  10:00a.m.

Mark Albertson Presents: The History of Christmas.

Pre-registration required by emailing to receive the link.

  • Virtual Concert – Holiday Concert with Sal Anastasio Mon., Dec 14th   1:30p.m.

Join us via Zoom for a Holiday concert with Sal Anastasio.

Pre-registration required by emailing or call (203)272-8286.

  • Downton Abbey Style Wed., Dec 16th  1:00p.m.

Influences of Fashion 1912 – 1925 -Today’s program explores the social, technological, and political developments of the early 20th century as reflected in the evolution of women’s and men’s clothing. We will look at some influential designers and other people who impacted what people wore. Questions/discussion encouraged!

Pre-registration required by emailing to receive the link.

  • Stories from the Attic: Holiday Edition Wed., Dec 16th  2:00p.m.

Urban Archeologist Greg Von Antwerp presents beautiful holiday trinkets and decorations he’s unearthed in his travels to estate and tag sales.

Pre-registration required by emailing to receive the link.

  • Reflections on Hanukkah Thurs., Dec 17th  2:00p.m.

Join Rabbi Barbara Paris, of Jewish Family Service to learn and reflect on Hanukkah.

Pre-registration required by emailing to receive the link.



A very special thank you to Barbara Althen and Bill Ofsiany for taking great care of our outside garden and removal of the old garden beds.

They also put together 10 new garden beds that should last us the next 10 years.

Thank You!


2020 Christmas Day Party

We sincerely regret to inform the many participants of our December 25th Christmas Day Party that due to the circumstances beyond our control that we must cancel the 2020 Christmas Day program.

We look forward to being able to provide you with this great event again in 2021.

Until then please be safe and be well.

Sincerely, Celia Seifert and the Bordeau Family


Happy Holidays!

On behalf of the entire Senior Center staff, I would like to personally wish all of you great health and happiness for this holiday season.  2020 hasn’t been the most kind to us, but in times of trials and tribulations we can only persevere as we have no other choice.  We must fill our hearts and minds with positive thoughts ONLY and if we can do that, we WIN.

We all look forward to 2021 with clear vision, thoughts of better times ahead and if there’s one thing good to come from 2020, it will be our appreciation for the small things.

We know that we appreciate all of you for your continued support of us and the Senior Center in general.  We look forward to a time in 2021 when we see our buses drive up full of our members, our exercise classes hooting and hollering, people enjoying one another’s company over lunch at the center.  We cannot wait to see a motor coach leaving our parking lot for a trip to Boston or New York and people gathering for a game of cards.

We are turning our focus to a great 2021 and we hope you do the same.  As we’ve stated all along, if we can be of any assistance to you, please call us.  We are here to help.

Again, Happy Holidays to you all, we miss you and love you.

With utmost respect and love,

Mike, Hilary, Carolyn, Melissa, Shirley, Debbi and Lorie