Category: Programs

November Hikes and Outings

O.A.T.S. November 2020 Hikes  [Outdoor Active Traveling Seniors (55+)]

A group with a shared interest of being outdoors and adventure run by Groton Senior Center. Registration required for any OATS outing.Please call 860-441-6785.

  • Thursday, November 19 at 1 pm we hike with GOSA /Groton Open Space Association at Avery Farm Nature Preserve approximately an 1 1/2 hour for a hike on the northern loop. About 2 miles on level terrain.
  • Wednesday, November 25th 9:30 am is our annual Pre-Thanksgiving  Hike.  TBA
  • Also in November is our fun, outdoors & active TURKEY CHASE scavenger hunt beginning November 13. Can you find all the turkeys? You may possibly win a turkey!

**Due to COVID19, we are following the proper protocol with hikes:

  • social distancing of 6 feet if not from the same household,
  • masks when in closer proximity.
  • not participating if you have shown symptoms.

Registration is needed for each OATS outing.  RSVP at  860-441-6785


GSC Take Out Meal Nov 16-20, 2020

Take out menu 11/16-11/20

Monday – Beef stew, side salad, roll.

Tuesday – Meat lasagna, spinach, garlic bread.

Wednesday – Oven fried pork chops, mac & cheese, vegetable rice, apple sauce.

Thursday – Chicken cordon bleu, mashed potatoes, gravy, vegetable.

Friday – Baked ham w/ cherry sauce, sweet potatoes, green beans.

Call 860-441-6785 after 9 am the day of to get your meal ordered!!


Turkey Chase (scavenger hunt) starts this weekend

Don’t forget about our town wide, family fun TURKEY CHASE scavenger hunt this weekend. The weather is looking perfect for this on Saturday. This is for anyone in our community! You can possibly win a turkey!

How to get in on this?  Call us to register 860-441-6785. Stop by the center Friday to pick your clue brochure up (it will be right outside the front doors on a table) or give us a call so we can email them to you. Again, you can sign up online at or by calling the center at 860-441-6785. We can’t wait to see what fun you have!

For the details please check out our event at this link


Handling The Holidays Nutrition Workshop

Handling The Holidays – Nutrition Workshop (virtually)

Monday, NOVEMBER 23 3:30 to 4:30 pm via ZOOM with Groton Senior Center’s  Registered Dietitian Deb Downes.

You will learn tips for heart-healthy holiday eating while you also learn how to enjoy your favorite foods without feeling deprived.  FREE YET REGISTRATION IS NEEDED!  860-441-6785.  We will email you the Zoom link.


Register by November 19th to get the materials.



We are so proud of EVERYONE who participated in our NICE WEATHER CHALLENGE – here is a sampling of photos we received back.

We adored hearing about all you did staying active during the beautiful November weather. Keep it up!

The winners have been notified. Stay tuned for future pop up challenges!


Drive Thru Style  Tuesday, December 15th $10.00

Menu – Braciole (stuffed flank steak), bacon wrapped asparagus, rosemary garlic

potatoes, stuffed flounder, red wine pasta,carrots, garlic knots and dessert.


Registration is necessary for this lunch

by Friday, December 11.





Looking for Outdoor Holiday Decorations

We are looking for “new to us” or new donations of OUTDOOR string lights & holiday displays. “Why?” you may ask- because we are holding a DECK THE HALLS event yet his time OUTSIDE.

The 2020 version of DECK THE HALLS CELEBRATION will be November 20th   1:00– 4:00 pm.  This event is hosted by Groton Senior Center & Groton Public Library.

What a great way to get into the holiday spirit! Please join us for decorating fun, joyful times, hot  cocoa, holiday music and craft vendors. We will also have several holiday photo ops, a special appearance by The Grinch as well as family activities and door prizes!

Don’t miss this festive, socially-distanced kick off to the holiday season!

Decorations and lights can be dropped off at the center during regular business hours until Friday, November 13.

Nice Weather Challenge Nov 6-8, 2020

Please take time for yourself and soak in some of this beautiful day!  Can’t today?

We challenge you all to get outside at least half an hour for the next three days (Fri /Sat/Sun) Nov 6-8, 2020. Let us know you did it and give us a lil description or a photo.  Please reply here or email Cindy at by 12 pm Monday, Nov. 9,2020.

We will enter you in a raffle for a cool outdoorsy prize.  We will place your name in a hat and draw three winners.


Senior Learning Presents: I Want My Mummy Nov 10

Senior Learning Presents: I Want My Mummy  offered by: Penn Museum

Travel with us virtually on Zoom  Tuesday, November 10th    1:45p.m.-3:00p.m.                              

For Zoom ID please contact the front desk at 860-441-6785

Mummies, intentionally or naturally preserved human (or animal) remains, hold a special fascination in popular culture. The very word, “mummy” typically brings to mind a mysterious ageless land, ancient Egypt, where mummification of the dead in preparation for a successful afterlife persisted for millennia. However, when we think of ancient Egypt’s mummies, we commonly associate them with books and movies that portray them as reanimated, vengeful monsters returning from death to wreak havoc upon the living. Where did such notions come from, and why? This workshop addresses that question by engaging participants in a close examination into the at least 500-year history that led to why ancient Egypt’s mummies hold such a special fascination in our own culture. Unpublished images of actual ancient Egyptian mummies, including royal mummies such as Ramses II as well as human remains recovered as part of Dr. Phillips’ own excavations in Egypt, are used to illustrate how and why the Egyptians mummified their dead (including their pets!). Please note: This program includes photography of human remains.


Senior Learning Presents: Flight From Kitty Hawk Nov 12

Travel with us virtually on Zoom Thursday , November 12 ,2020 1:45p.m.-3:00p.m.

Senior Learning Presents: Flight From Kitty Hawk

Offered by: Wright Brothers National Memorial

Program Description: How did small barrier islands off the coast of North Carolina become the site of the first successful flights of human history? In this presentation by the rangers at Wright Brothers National Memorial, you’ll learn about what made two brothers from Dayton, Ohio, travel to Kitty Hawk, North Carolina and how they used the perfect conditions of the Outer Banks to conduct their flying experiments and make the impossible possible.

For Zoom ID please contact the front desk at 860-441-6785