Category: Programs

Free Technology

Are you 60 and over, socially isolated, and would you benefit from technology that gives you access to online programs, services, email services etc?  As part of the Cares Act funding, Stay Connected is offering free appropriate technology to those that qualify.

Those that qualify for this program will also receive training on how to use these devices. Please call the Senior Center @ 860-434-1605 to request a screening.

Trick or Treat Parade

Please join us on Friday, On October 30th between 1:00-2:00pm we will be having a drive thru TRICK OR TREAT PARADE for our members. We will be asking everyone to drive through with a mask on. Although you do not have to dress up for this event, if you do dress up, you will be entered to win a $25.00 gift card to Big Y. Registration before Friday, October 23rd is required for this event. Call (860)434-1605 ext. 240 to register.

October 24th- Chili Cook Off

Please join us for our annual Chili Cook Off with a 2020 twist-  We will hold it outside from 4:00 to 6:00 pm.

As always, area EMS departments battle to see who makes the best chili. This year we will host the event outside to ensure safety and social distancing for all who attend.  In addition, we will have pumpkin decorating for the kids. You can also cozy up around one of the fire pits with your chili.

$10 per person, $5 for kids 10 and under.

This family friendly event won’t disappoint. Tickets can be purchased online at or by calling 860-441-6785.

Wednesday, October 14th from 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m- Drive Thru Flu and Pneumonia Clinic

As a reminder, our drive thru Flu & Pneumonic Clinic will be conducted on Wednesday, October 14th from 10:00 – 12:00 at the Preston Senior Center, 42 Long Society Road.

Pre-registrations are a must! For individuals who have pre-registered with this office, there will be a red star next to your name on this newsletter. I will be mailing an additional document to those individuals who have pre-registered under separate cover, to review and return to us on clinic day. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Senior Affairs Office at 860-887-5581 ext.6.

If you have not registered for our clinic but, are interested in participating, please contact the office as soon as possible.

The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged us to think in new and different ways to provide essential services to our community. The drive-thru clinic is our attempt to offer to you, our friends, the continuation of providing the influenza & pneumonic clinic at your local senior center.

Whether you participate in our clinic or not, we wish you good health and peace of mind during these trying times.

FitDance Gold at McCook’s/Bandshell at 3pm starts on Tuesday, September 8th

Tue and Thu afternoons through September at McCook’s Park at the bandshell. As you pull into McCook’s, head up the hill and park at the upper lot. The bandshell is located on the grass. You must register prior to the start of the class and complete a new registration form. You must wear your mask coming to and exiting from the class but you can take it off during the class. You must position yourself at least 6 feet away from your neighbor. You must bring your water.


In all instances, if you are sick or experiencing symptoms you are to stay home.
If you have been in contact with someone who was sick or experiencing symptoms
you are to stay home.

Yoga at Bridebrook Park at 9am on September 8th

Senior Yoga has resumed will be held at Bridebrook Park on Tue mornings through September. As you pull into the parking lot, the class will be on your left. You must complete a new registration form before you take the class which will be available with the instructor. You must wear your mask coming to the class and exiting from the class but you can take it off during the class. You must position yourself 6 feet away from your neighbor. You must bring your own mat and any other supplies you may need.


In all instances, if you are sick or experiencing symptoms you are to stay home.
If you have been in contact with someone who was sick or experiencing symptoms
you are to stay home.

Current Events Lectures.: Jared Day, PhD

Starting in September we will be welcoming back Jared Day, PhD here to resume our American History and Current Events Lectures. The American History lectures will be held virtually at 2pm the first Friday of each month. Likewise, the Current Events lectures will be held virtually at 2:00pm the third Friday of each month. Please call to register for either or both sessions and get the sign-in code for them. September’s & October’s lecture topics along with a description are listed below. November & December topics will be announced in an upcoming newsletter.

Andrew Jackson – Hero of Democracy?

Part 1- September 4th at 2pm, Part 2- October 2nd at 2pm:

This set of lectures will examine one of the most transformative and controversial presidents in US history, Andrew Jackson, a politician and leader who became a political and social icon for a generation of Americans in the first half of the nineteenth century. We will explore Jackson’s early life and military career along with the political rise of the “near west” as a distinct region and a force in American society. With seminal crises involving the Second National Bank, Nullification, the Cherokees’ “Trail of Tears,” and many other events, Jackson’s presidential tenure represented a clear demarcation away from the patrician politics of the era of the founding fathers and towards a democracy that was, by turns, more inclusive, more populist, and more volatile.

India: An Asian Superpower? – October 16th at 2pm

This lecture will examine the exceptional economic development of the world’s largest democracy, India. It will explore the key strengths and weaknesses of its economic development strategies as well as the historical, cultural and geographical limitations the country has had to endure.

Medicare Open Enrollment October 15-December 7, 2020

Medicare Open Enrollment

Senior Resources will be holding their annual Medicare Open Enrollment Period from October 15-December 7. Please call them directly at 860-887-3561 Ext. 110 to schedule your virtual or phone appointment today.  *Senior Resources provides free, unbiased information regarding your Medicare Coverage.

Also, here is a SENIOR RESOURCES  YouTube channel. Here is the link to the  recording from the Zoom meeting earlier this month regarding Medicare Open Enrollment.