Category: Programs

Parade Practice

Parade Practice will be held on Fridays (April 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th) at 1:15 @ Rogers Lake Clubhouse- For Memorial Day Parade, led by Stephanie, all are welcome to join, no dancing experience needed. This group will meet every Friday at 1:15 PM at Rogers Lake Clubhouse up until the Memorial Day Parade.

Beginner Ballroom Dancing

Beginner Ballroom Dancing will be held on Wednesday, April 10th at 10 AM @ First Cong. Church of OL.  Join us for an hour-long workshop on the basics of ball room dancing! First Congregational Church’s own Sexton, Sean McCarty, is bringing his talent and teaching skills to lead this course! Learn the basics of ballroom dancing, including the box step and basic tips and tricks. The cost for this workshop is free for members, 55 years of age or better!

Movie Monday: “Chicago”

Movie Monday: “Chicago”- Monday, April 8th at 1 PM @ the Lyme Library- “Nightclub sensation Velma (Catherine Zeta-Jones) murders her philandering husband, and Chicago’s slickest lawyer, Billy Flynn (Richard Gere), is set to defend her. But when Roxie (Renée Zellweger) also winds up in prison, Billy takes on her case as well — turning her into a media circus of headlines. Neither woman will be outdone in their fight against each other and the public for fame and celebrity.” The cost is free for members.

Beginner Pickleball

Beginner Pickleball will be held on Thursday (April 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th) at 1 PM @ Cross Lane Park. Learn how to play America’s fastest growing sport- Pickleball! Learn the basics of pickleball with Caitlin; everything from serving to scoring and basic game play! You can bring your own paddle, or we have a couple paddles to share. The cost is free for members, 55 years of age or better!

Seated Zumba Class at THRIVE 55+

Have a Zumba party while seated! Designed for people who find difficulty in standing for extended periods of time, those with limited mobility or with balance issues, and anyone who wants a great seated workout. Must be able to ambulate independently.  We meet Mondays 10:15- 11:00.  Costs is $35 residents/ $45 non residents for 8 weeks

Coffee With A Cop

Tuesday, April 23rd from 9:00-10:00am


The East Lyme Senior Center, Youth & Family Services, and Police Department present Coffee with A Cop . Please join us for coffee, donuts, and conversations. You will have the opportunity to discuss your concerns and learn more about those serving East Lyme.

Registration begins Apr 1st. Register by Apr 19th.

A Taste of Italy

Wednesday, April 17th at 12:30pm


Enjoy an Italian lunch with the entertainment by the singer/guitarist, Sal Basile.

A local entertainer that preforms music from all genres and eras.

Cost $7 per person. Registration begins Apr 1st. Register by Apr 12th.

The North American Solar Eclipse Celebration

Monday, April 8th from 1:45-4:15pm


Celebrate the total Eclipse with fun indoor and outdoor activities, games, crafts, and presentations FOR ALL AGES!

Presented by The East Lyme Public Library, Stars to Stem Planetarium, East Lyme Parks & Recreation, and the East Lyme Senior Center

*While supplies last free eclipse glass will be available beginning March 18th at the East Lyme Library

Emergency Preparedness Presentation

Tuesday, April 26th from 10:00-11:00am


Presenters: Chief of Police, Michael Finkelstein and Deputy Emergency Management Director, Julie Wilson

This informative session will provide vital information to help senior residents and their caregivers be prepared for emergencies. Topics will include Millstone Nuclear Power Station sirens and what you need to know in the event of an emergency at Millstone, severe weather preparedness, common scams targeting seniors, how to register for special assistance during an evacuation or power outage, safe disposal of prescription drugs, and how to receive local alerts and emergency information from the Town of East Lyme. Attendees will gain knowledge to enhance their personal safety and stay informed during crisis situations.

You will not want to miss this important presentation!
Registration begins Apr 1st. Register by Apr 12th.