Subscriptions are available for $8 a year and begin with any month you choose.
Your newsletter will be mailed to your home as soon as it is ready for distribution.
As always, Voices is available for free at the Rose City Senior Center.
Subscriptions are available for $8 a year and begin with any month you choose.
Your newsletter will be mailed to your home as soon as it is ready for distribution.
As always, Voices is available for free at the Rose City Senior Center.
On Wednesday, April 24thth at 1:00pm we will be having a Tea with Helen Keller and will be welcoming back Sheryl Faye who will bring alive Helen Keller in an interactive presentation of her life. Pre-Registration Required.
Please call (860)434-4127 to register.
Resident of Lyme, Dr. Richard Jones, retired from the staff at Hartford Hospital will do a talk on the Transplant Program for Donate Life Month on Tuesday, April 23rd at 1:00pm.
Aging Mastery Program® workshop begins April 10.
Groton Senior Center is offering this great evidence based program for FREE beginning April 10th. Valued at $75 per person. The Aging Mastery Program® (AMP) is a 10-week series of evidenced-based health and wellness classes for people age 50 and over. AMP can help you build your own playbook for aging well.
It is a fun, innovative, and person-centered education program that empowers participants to embrace their gift of longevity by spending more time each day doing things that are good for themselves and for others.
This incredible and empowering class is for anyone in Southeastern CT 50 years and older. It will take place weekly Wednesdays 5-6:30 pm at Groton Senior Center. It will take place weekly on Wednesdays 5-6:30 pm. To get more information please call 860-441-6623.
with National Geographic photographer and filmmaker Todd Gipstein
Wednesday, March 27th 5:30 pm
Join National Geographic photographer and filmmaker Todd Gipstein for a journey to Antarctica. Todd will talk about his experiences and screen “Antarctic Dream,” a documentary he made after his first voyage there in 2010, and “Antarctic Impressions,” a poetic film he created after two recent expeditions there with National Geographic. Take a memorable journey to a place Todd describes as “another planet — someplace out of a dream.”
Free yet registration is required. 860-441-6785
6pm start
$20pp – Pre-registration strongly encouraged
Snowbound Murder Mystery at the East Lymestone Inn in East Lymestone, CT
Interact with the East Lyme Mystery Players to solve a murder. Prizes for solving murder & the mysteries. Raffle Items.
Fundraiser for TUTS (Theater Under the Shell) and the East Lyme Players.
Baked Ziti, Salad
Garlic Bread
Larry Batter will be here tickling the ivories and your funny bone on Tuesday, April 16th at 1:00pm