Tuesday, September 4 1pm SLN- Essential Oils with Zandis
Tuesday, September 11 1pm SLN-They Fought Like Tigers – American Soldiers
Tuesday, September 11 5- 7pm – Dining Out -Applebees
Thursday, September 20 10:30 am Nutrition Fact or Fiction talk (free)
Tuesday, October 9 5– 7pm – Dining Out -Harbor House
Wednesday, October 10 1-3pm—Medicare Open Enrollment
Saturday, October 20 5pm—Emergency Responders Chili Cook Off
Tuesday, October 30 Yale Mammography Bus – Appointments Necessary
Tuesday, October 30 Boo Bash: Halloween Fun with Coastal Café menu
Category: Programs
Wednesdays, Sept 19 – Oct 24- Live Well
Time: 1:00 – 3:30pm
Cost: FREE
Are you and adult with an ongoing
health condition such as arthritis,
high blood pressure, heart disease
or depressions? This workshop will
help you be in control and feel
better. You will be able to develop
a step by step plan to improve your
health and life.
Luncheons and Dinners
Reserving Tables at Special Events We are happy to reserve a table for you
at our special events. We will only reserve tables of 8 or tables of 4. You must
provide the names of everyone and full payment when you reserve a table.
Friday, Sept 14TH – MCLEWS BREAKFAST $6.00 Breakfast Burger,
Home fries, Fruit Cup, OJ, Coffee – Registration Required by Sept 12th.
Tuesday Sept 25TH – FALL LUNCHEON $12.00 Roasted Cornish Hens, Herbed
Bread Stuffing, Gravy, Broc/Cauliflower Mix, Apple Pie, Punch, Coffee –
Registration Required by Sept 21st
RSVP by Sept 25th. Presented by Groton Police, Peoples United Bank and
Groton Senior Center. Your safety is our concern!
OCT 12TH – GROTON ROTARY DINNER $6.00 Beef Stroganoff, Side Salad,
Rolls, Dessert, Punch, Coffee – Registration Required by 10/10. Part of
proceeds go towards Groton Rotary Academic Scholarship Fund.
Active Aging Week September 24 – 28
Monday, September 24 –
12:30 – 1:30 – Dr Stanat of Orthopedic Partners will speak on Hip and Knee
Tuesday, September 25
10:30-11:30 AM -Staying Safe In Your Home-Lisa Kunz, Occupational Therapist
11AM – 1PM – Flu Shot Clinic sponsored by the Medicine Shoppe
11AM – 2PM – Bone Density Screen with Hartford Health Care (Backus Hosp)
11:30 – Fall Luncheon – Registration Required, $12 RSVP 9/21
Wednesday, September 26
10 AM Anthem HMO talk
OATS hike – Cliff Walk in Newport (See Cindy for details)
Thursday, September 27
10 AM Groton Town Police Home Security Systems
11 AM Ballroom Dance – ALLURE Dance Studios
5:00 PM – TRIAD Spaghetti Dinner – Registration Required, $6
Friday, September 28
9:30 AM Intro to Calligraphy and Create a Card, $10
with Food For Your Soul LLC 5:30-7:30 pm
Making a meal for a family can be easier than just for
yourself. This class will teach you how to make delicious
dishes for just one person. Wed. Sept 5th and 12th
In a rush? Need something healthy & balanced after a
busy day? Then, this class is for you! Learn recipes that
will be quick to whip up at dinnertime without losing flavor
in the process. Thurs. Sept 20th and 27th
Fall 2 Registration at the center
Residents – October 1 Nonresidents – October 9
The Fall 2 Session runs from October 29 – December 22
FEES – Nonresidents pay $10 additional for most classes.
WE ARE CLOSED September 3 or October 8
REGISTRATION DEADLINE – Please register before the first week
of classes. Any class not meeting the minimum will be cancelled.
Register ONLINE at www.GrotonRec.com/Discover55 and
beat the crowds. Check at the front desk when online registration
for fall is available. More information about Groton Senior Center’s
programs & services can be found in the newsletter rack in the Cove.
Club 55 news
Club 55 Annual Raffle
Take a chance at this annual
raffle. Ticket sales begin on
September 20. Drawing will be
held on December 18 at the
annual Club 55 Holiday Dinner.
First prize $300
Second prize $200
Third prize $100
Tickets $1.00 Book of 5 for $5.00
Club 55 2018-2019
Best deal in town! Club 55
membership is still only $5 per
year. For your $5 you get a
discount at club dinners and
movies at the center. Club 55
supports many programs and
services in Groton and your dues
help. Stop and sign up.
Club 55 Harvest Bazaar
Club 55’s annual fundraiser is
looking for donations of hand
made craft items to sell. If you
knit, sew, or do any other type of
craft, please leave your name and
number at the front desk. ONLY
handmade crafts please.
Roasted Cornish Hens, Herbed
Bread Stuffing, Gravy, Broccoli/
Cauliflower Mix, Apple Pie
RSVP by 9/21 $12 pp
Golf Anyone?
Looking for a group of golfers (beginners welcomed) to play at local courses once a week.
If interested, please call Peter Bettencourt at 860-889-4681
Help needed for a Volunteer to be the Bingo Caller!
Bingo Caller – Needed to call Bingo and run the game. You would be responsible for setting up Bingo machine, calling Bingo, keeping track of games played and clean up after. Knowledge of different types, styles and patterns of Bingo games helpful. Commitment to Fridays from 12:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. is needed. This Volunteer position is open to Members of the Senior Center only.
Please see Hilary if you are interested or have questions.