Location: Griswold Middle School 211 Slater Ave. Griswold, CT
Come and meet local providers of all kinds! Over 50 booths with various information and handouts.
For more information Contact Senior Resources. (860) 887- 3561
Category: Programs
Thank you Knitting Group!
The Rose City Senior Center Knitting and Crocheting group makes and donates afghans to ECHO at Backus Hospital to be distributed to cancer patients. Recently the group received this thank you letter:
Dear Knitting Group,
I am a breast cancer patient who received a beautiful afghan last week at ECHO. I am on an oral chemo pill which gave me 2 weeks of diarrhea. I was at ECHO for hydrating IV’s 4 times in one week. I received the afghan on my 2nd day and it warmed me up so well! It was made with blocks of various green squares. Lovely! At home I use it when I take naps and at bedtime at night.
Thank you for your talents and kind generosity.
Thank you Knitting Group for all that you do!
Friday, October 12th- Montville Senior Club Meeting -Speaker: “What is a Hidden Hero”
Speaker: “What is a Hidden Hero”
The Senior Club holds their monthly meeting on the first Friday of the month at 10:00am. (Unless Holiday or special event, in which it will be held the following Friday) Speakers, Coffee & goodies will be available before and after meeting.
Saturday, August 11st- Tag Sale
Time: 9:00am – 1:00pm
The Montville Senior Club will have their next Tag Sale on Saturday, August 11th from 9:00—1:00. Please come help the ladies sell, sell, sell …. And make some funds for the senior organization!
Tuesday, August 14th- BIG TIME BINGO & Ice Cream Social
2:00-4:00 PM BINGO
3:00 PM Ice Cream Social
Cost: $5.00
Come join us for a Big Time Bingo on Tuesday afternoon (with an ice cream social break)! ALL MONEY PRIZES! Great way to beat the heat, have some fun, & be with friends! Please sign up if you plan to attend! Bus is available.
Farmer Market Tickets
We have Farmers Market Tickets at the Center for seniors 60+ . Annual Income guidelines are: single—$22,459.00 , married—$30, 451. Each packet contains 6 vouchers worth $3.00 each and a listing of the local Farmer’s Markets!
Reminder: New Dance Classes have begun!
A Line Dance Class Monday mornings from 9:00—10:00 AM, a Country Line Dance Class Monday afternoons from 3:15-4:15 PM, and a Country Line Dance Class on Thursday mornings from 9:00—10:00 AM. ALL classes are free to our Montville seniors! Please register in the front office before beginning a class—wear comfortable clothing & have fun!
Back to School Collection
We are collecting Back-to-School items to put into backpacks for students in our Town in need. Donations can be dropped off at the Senior Center or Social Services office for anyone who would like to contribute to this program and help a Montville Student start the school year off with all of the items needed to succeed! We are in need of: pens, pencils, single subject notebooks, single subject file folders.
Dinner and a Movie- Friday, August 17th
Time: 3:30pm
$5.00 Donation
DINNER: Corned Beef & Cabbage
MOVIE: Book Club (new release, if available)
Come join everyone for a great FRIDAY afternoon: delicious dinner , great friends, and an enjoyable movie! Wonderful way to spend the afternoon and support the senior center! Please sign up if you plan to attend!
Firday, August 31st- Last BBQ of the Season- Clambake Theme with Entertainment by: John Banker
Time: 4:00pm
Cost: $7.00 donation
Entertainment: John Banker
Menu: Chicken, Seafood, Corn,
Potatoes, Desserts & more!
Come join us for our Last SUMERTIME BBQ of the Season.
Always a great time, with great people! Join us for an afternoon of wonderful entertainment with a “ClamBake theme” menu & more! Come dressed for the theme or just come and have a great time! Don’t miss out on the fun!