Category: Programs

Concert: Pat Mitchell

Join us on August 2nd at 1:00pm as Pat Mitchell, pianist who currently plays at the Norwich Inn and Sap and has performed for many years at the Lighthouse Inn, will entertain us. The performance is free and open for all to attend!

Tray Favors Volunteers

Looking to join a fun and crafty volunteer group? Tray Favors may be for you! 

The Tray Favors volunteers construct seasonally inspired paper gift cards which are donated to local area care facilities and Backus Hospital to be used on patients’ meal trays.  The Tray Favors are much appreciated by the organizations that receive them!  Group meets on Wednesdays from 9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. in the Craft Room.

Please see Hilary if you have any questions.

This volunteer opportunity is for Senior Center Members only.


Friday, July 21st, 2017- Senior Center Tag Sale

Would you like to sell your stuff at the senior center tag sale?
We will be having our first community tag sale!
Time: 10am—2:30pm
Rent: $20 / table
Please call us to find out more: (860) 447-5232
(All proceeds go to senior center programing.)

Tuesdays- Self Esteem Support Group

Every Tuesday, 6:30—8:00 PM—FREE—once a week at the Social Services Building—come and share your story, offer sup-port, receive the support you need by working together! Offered by Safe Futures, formerly the Women’s Center, this support group offers hope, peace, and encouragement to all members.