Category: Programs



Are you interested in learning? Of course you are. The Senior Center is happy to announce a new program with the Senior Learning Network – Video Conferencing. “Stay sharp, improve your memory, and meet new people.”  Topic will the the Grand Canyon National Park. 

Thu, April 20th at 1:30pm

Please call to register.


Monday April 17th- Mexican Train Dominos – Informational Session

Time: 1:00pm
Where: Dining Room
Join us to learn more about the game of Mexican Train Dominoes.  This informational session will fill you in on the basics of the game.  The object of the game is for a player to play all the dominoes from his or her hand onto one or more chains, or “trains”, emanating from a central hub or “station”.

Following this informational session, Mexican Train Dominos will meet every Monday, starting on May 1st, at 1:00 p.m. in the Dining Room

Wednesday, April 26th- 6th Grade Academy Best Buddies Program

Time:   3:15 p.m.

Where: Dining Room

The 6th Grade Academy Best Buddies Program would like to invite all Senior Center members to join us for an afternoon of sharing.  The students have been working on putting together a cookbook of family favorite recipes and would like to bring a 4-Layer Taco Dip to share with our community seniors.
We would also invite seniors to share their own family favorite recipes with our students.

Please RSVP to Ms. Stefanie Montejano at (c) 860-287-1152 or
by email at if you will be attending.

Starting again April 6th- Zumba Gold introducing our new instructor Lisa Weir!

Thursdays 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.

​Introducing our new Zumba Gold instructor Lisa Weir!  Lisa currently teaches Zumba and Zumba Gold at Summit Fitness in Norwich and at the Columbia Senior Center.  Among her fitness certifications, Lisa has an AFAA Certification for Group Fitness, Silvers Sneakers Certification, and has her Zumba Fitness Instructor Certification.

Zumba is a fun, easy-to-follow, Latin-inspired dance fitness program which provides both cardio and muscle toning benefits.  It combines fun Latin moves from dances such as salsa, merengue, and cha-cha with an aerobic workout.  With Zumba Gold, the moves and pacing are modified to suit the needs of the active older participant, and those just starting their journey to a fit and healthy lifestyle! Hope you join us!  Beginners Welcome!

This class is open to Senior Center members only and there is no additional fee for the class.

Classes are open to members of the Rose City Senior Center only.  Not a member yet? Sign up today!  Please call for more information.  (860) 889-5960

The Silver Palette- News from the Rose City Senior Center Art Class


Students from the Monday morning Art class will be displaying their work at the Lebanon Public Library’s annual “Equinox and the Arts Show”. The paintings are on display from March 17th to April 21st. The Lebanon Public Library puts on this show yearly and it is worth a trip up to see the works of art by our talented painters as well as the other artists whose works are on display.

The class is represented by Patrcia Bromley, Rusty Cowan, Natalie Caron, Deborah Gaudet, Helen Krasun, Erna Luering, Linda Mathre, Donald Rivest, Verna Jean Souter, Don Swanson, and Estelle Tedeschi.

Remember to check out the display case located across from the Reception Desk to see paintings done by our talented class. Some pieces are for sale. All are welcome to stop by and visit our class on Monday mornings at 9:30 a.m. in the Art Room. Hope to see you soon!

Liz Popinchalk, Art Class Instructor


Latin/ Ballroom Line Dancing

Latin/ Ballroom Line Dancing Class April 21st at 1:00pm/ 6 Week Session  $30.00

Beginner Country Line Dancing

Beginner Country Line Dancing  April 21st at 1:00pm / 6 Sessions  FREE

Thursdays- CLAY CLASS

Learn how to manipulate clay using the three most basic hand building techniques – pinching, coils and slabs. Create a bowl, a mug, and a small food grater using the these three techniques. We will glaze and fire your projects. Artwork is food safe and can be put in the dishwasher, microwave and oven.

4 weeks on Thursdays – $40 – includes all supplies

Starts March 23rd 
