Category: Resources

Program Note

Drop-ins are no longer permitted


Please call 860-464-0478 for up-to-date information.

Register at or at the office.


January Closings & Snow Days

If it snows or if snow is expected, please tune in to Channel 3 to see if we are closed or if
we are closing early. It will be listed on the ticker at the bottom of your TV screen as
“Lymes’ Senior Center”.

The Senior Center will also be closed Monday, January 2nd for the New Year Holiday &
Monday, January 16th for Martin Luther King Jr Day!

Thrive55+ Active Living center Is Among Top 5 “Best in Wellness” Community Centers in North America

Thrive55+ is proud to announce that it is a winner of the 2022 ICAA NuStep Pinnacle Award, which recognizes the top five “Best in Wellness” community centers in North America.

“Congratulations to these exemplary organizations that are leading the way in wellness based models in the active-aging industry,” says Colin Milner, CEO and founder of ICAA. “We are thrilled to recognize their ongoing commitment and passion to fostering a wide variety of engaging opportunities for members, clients and staff to live better longer.”

The Pinnacle Award now includes three categories: senior living communities, community centers (senior centers, parks & recreation facilities, adult day services) and wellness CEOs.

Prioritizing and nurturing the many aspects of wellness enables individuals to embrace their potential to pursue and optimize life’s possibilities. As the older adult population grows, community centers can significantly impact health, longevity and quality of life by establishing wellness as an essential and beneficial way of life. Wellness is not simply something to add to programs and services; instead, it is a mindset and foundation that permeates every aspect of life for all members, clients and staff of community centers. Winners of the ICAA NuStep Pinnacle Award like Thrive55+ serve as exceptional examples for others to emulate.

Elderly and Totally Disabled Tax Relief Program

The qualifying income guidelines for the Elderly and Totally Disabled Tax Relief Program application to be filed for the 2022 Benefit year are $40,300.00 for unmarried individuals and $49,100.00 for married persons. The Application filing period is February 1, 2023 through May 15, 2023.

You will need to provide proof of all sources of income including but not limited to Social Security, pensions, interest statements, employment etc. If you filed Income Tax, a copy of the signed and dated document, including supporting documentation is necessary to provide. It is extremely important that you bring all necessary documentation regarding proof of your income when you arrive for your appointment. Items to be included as part of qualifying income are as

*Wages, bonuses, commissions, gratuities and fees, self-employment net income
(do not include depreciation expenses).
*Net Social Security (Box 5 from SSA-1099), Federal Supplemental Security
Income, payment for jury duty (excluding travel allowance).
*Dividends and Interest
*IRA-include only “taxable amount” NOT “total distribution”
*Black Lung payments
*Green Thumb payments
*Interest or proceeds resulting from gifts received
*Lottery winnings
*Net income from sale or rental of real or personal property (do not include
depreciation, receipts for expenses required when no tax return has been filed)
*Pensions and annuities-include only “Taxable “amount
*Veteran’s pension and veteran’s disability payment
*Railroad retirement
*Severance pay; UNEMPLOYMENT compensation
*Worker’s compensation
*DSS cash assistance (SAGAP)
*Legal Settlements-Net Proceeds
*Dependency and Indemnity Compensation from Dept. of Veterans Affairs
*Cancellation of Dept
*If property is owned in trust any distributions received from the trust (Verified
with a copy of the trust federal tax return)
*Capital gains total from previous year only (a capital loss carryover from a
previous year should be excluded from qualifying income calculations)


Persons already receiving the Elderly and Totally Disabled Tax Relief Program benefits will receive correspondence from the Preston Assessor’s Office indicating that this is the year in which you need to reapply for your benefits. Please contact the Senior Affairs Office at 860-887-5581 extension 6 to schedule an appointment.

AARP Tax Aide

The AARP Tax-Aide program will return this year to provide free tax counseling and preparation for middle to low-Income taxpayers with special attention to those people aged 60 and over. To schedule your appointment and get the details about how the program will operate, call starting Jan 9th.


Appointments will be held on Mon and Fri mornings beginning Mon, Feb 6th and will end on Mon, Apr 10th

Notary Public Services

Otis Library is now offering free notary service!

This service is by appointment only.

To make an appointment, contact Victoria


leave a message at (860) 889-2365 x110


Voices Newsletter Online

The newsletter is available to view approximately 7-9 days prior to when we receive the printed copy.

To view online, please go to

To search use: “Rose City Senior Center” and zip code “06360”


TVCCA Assistance Programs

Programs designed to help offset the costs for lower income households. 

Eligibility is based on income, family size, assets, and expenses.

CT Energy Assistance ~ Provides assistance towards a homes primary source of heat – oil, natural gas, electricity, propane, kerosene, coal, wood or wood pellets.

CT Water Assistance ~ Provides assistance towards disconnection of household water services; reduction of overdue water bills; and prevention of service disconnection.  Help is available for both household water and wastewater bills.  Eligible households can qualify for up to $1,000.

Income Limits: 

Household Size:                     1                         2                          3

Annual Income                 $39,761            $51,996            $64,230

► Last Day to Apply: May 31, 2023

Payments are made directly to your utility, fuel or water provider.

For an appointment or for additional information, please call TVCCA (860) 425-6681


Elderly/Disabled (Circuit Breaker) Property Tax Credit Program

Property Tax Credit (Circuit Breaker) Program is available to all CT real property owners who are age 65 or older or totally disabled.  Annual income cannot exceed $40,300 for an individual or $49,100 for a couple in 2022.  Discounts are based on a graduated income scale and are calculated by your town’s Tax Assessors Office.  Discount is applied directly to the applicant’s real property tax bill.

Norwich Residents: For more information or to apply for the Property Tax Credit Program, please call the Norwich Tax Assessor’s Office.

Applications are accepted between February 1 and May 15, 2023.

Norwich Tax Assessor  (860) 823-3723

Veterans with established Connecticut residency may also be eligible for other tax credits.

Residents of other towns: Call your town’s Tax Assessor’s Office for more information.