Category: Resources


Come and get the Foot Care you need. Our On-A-Good-Foot Program can help. Foot care not
covered by Medicare will be paid by a grant received from Senior Resources with Title III funds
made available under the Older Americans Act. A suggested donation of $6.00 is appreciated and
helpful, not required. Dr. Thomas Walter, Podiatrist comes to our Center once a month to perform
routine foot care. Call for an appointment and/or details 860-848-0422.

BETTER HEALTH PROGRAM- Fridays from 8:00-4:00pm

The Montville Senior Center is offering a FREE Better Health, Mental Health, Program at
the Montville Senior Center. Many people find the holidays difficult, or suffer from
depression, have anxiety, or just need someone to talk to. Mental Health is a very
important part of health care so you can be as healthy as possible! Dont neglect your
mind while taking care of your body! Join a group for discussion sessions or sit down
oneonone with our licensed clinician to talk! This program is made possible with a
grant received from Senior Resources with Title III funds made available under the Older
Americans Act. Dont miss out on this great service! Its never too late to start to take
care of yourself—mind, body, spirit! Call for details and/or an appointment!
A suggested donation of $1.00 per visit is appreciated! Thank you!
Call senior center for more information at 860-848-0422.


The Senior Center will be closing at noon on December 23rd and will be closed on December
26th for the Christmas Holiday. In addition, December 27th-30th, the center’s hours of operation will be 10am-2pm. Please check with your exercise instructors to find out if they will be holding exercise class the week after Christmas as many of them are taking the week off.

If it snows or if snow is expected, please tune in to Channel 3 to see if we are closed or if we
are closing early. It will be listed on the ticker at the bottom of your TV screen as “Lymes’
Senior Center”. The Senior Center will also be closed Monday, January 2nd for the New Year’s Holiday & Monday, January 16th for Martin Luther King Jr Day.

TVCCA Meals On Wheels

Providing more than a meal to seniors in our community. Call TVCCA to schedule:  860-886-1720.

Inclement Weather Notice

If the area experiences bad weather – classes, programs and transportation may be cancelled OR the Senior Center may be closed.

Weather related cancellations and closings are posted on

WFSB TV Channel 3, WICH-1310AM or WCTY-97.7 FM radio stations.

**We are listed as ROSE CITY SENIOR CENTER for cancellations and closings.**

MEDICARE OPEN ENROLLMENT – Deadline to make changes to your plan is December 7th

Medicare Part C (Advantage Plans) and Part D (Prescription Drug Coverage).

Medicare health plans and prescription drug plans can make changes each year to things like cost, coverage providers and pharmacies.  During open enrollment, you have the opportunity to review and make changes to your plan.  Schedule an appointment to re-evaluate your current plan.

Norwich Residents ~ Please call Carolyn for an appointment (860) 889-5960

Medicare Benefits Counselor Natalie is also available to assist any seniors,

60 years and older, who live in New London County.

NL County Residents 60+ ~ Please leave a message for Natalie (860) 889-5960


Energy Assistance

Applications continue to be accepted for the TVCCA Energy Assistance Program. Income level for a household of one is $39,761.00 and $ 51,996.00 for a married couple.

For more information regarding guidelines and necessary documentation please contact the Senior Affairs Office at 860-887-5581 extension 6. It’s not too early to apply for this important program.