Category: Resources

July- Upcoming Arts & Crafts Programs


All classes are now session based. 3 month session length.


Painting with Friends

Tue thru Sep 21st


New session starts on Jul 6th and ends on Sep 21st. In person at the Senior Center every Tue of the month at 9:30am.Registration begins Jul 1st.


Craft Time

2 classes  –  Jul 13th & Ju

Tue Jul 13th and Tue July 27th


2 classes  –  Jul 13th & Jul 27th.  In person instruction with Candy.  The cost for each craft is $5.00 per person. Registration begins Jul 1st.


Stitch Happens

Wed thru Sep 22nd


New session starts on Jul 7th and ends on Sep 22nd and will be held on Wed at 9:30am in person. You must  register your interest in this session. Registration begins Jul 1st.


Drawing Class

Thu thru Sep 23rd


New session starts on Jul 8th and ends on Sep 23rd and will be held on Thu at 10am in person. You must         register for this session. Registration begins Jul 1st.



Thru Sep 21st

New session  starts on Jul 12th and ends on Sep 21st and will be held on the 1st Mon of the month at 1pm (due to the holiday, this month is the 2nd Mon) – the 3rd Fri of the month at 5pm and the last Tue of the month at 5pm. Registration begins Jul 1st. This is an indoor program. Fee is $2per participation. No fee for the Mon time period.


Thurs, July 8th, 1:00pm- Hartford Hospital: Webinar: Blue Zones: 9 Lessons for Living Longer

In this FREE virtual class learn more about: what are Blue Zones, lifestyle habits of the longest living people in the world and small changes for a longer, happier and healthier life. Plus, Q&A with the speaker will follow the presentation. Presented by Michelle Wyman, LSW, CDP, dementia specialist, Hartford HealthCare Center for Healthy Aging. Sponsored by Hartford HealthCare Center for Healthy Aging.

To register for any HHC virtual class, please call 1-855-442-4373 or visit classes. Once registered you will receive an email with easy instructions on joining the virtual class.


Wednesday, July 14th, 6:30-8:00pm- One Day University Lecture Series, Presented by AARP: The Science of Sleep & Stress

Get tips for a better sleep to help bolster your brain and memory! Join AARP and attendees from across the U.S. for a FREE One Day University Virtual Lecture and live Q&A on July 14  at 6:30 pm ET with Jessica Payne from the University of Notre Dame. AARP Membership not required. 

Sleep is critical for our brains and bodies, from decreasing risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease to bolstering our memory and emotional well-being. Professor Jessica Payne is an expert in sleep and cognition and will explain the moving target of sleep across the ages and its impact on mental and physical health and well-being. She will help people understand how to best combat these changes and work with them to benefit our lives. She will give tips on how to sleep better, including how to      engineer the perfect nap! Along with learning how to use sleep to heighten creativity, productivity, memory and emotional wellbeing, older adults concerned with cognitive decline can learn about the role of sleep in this process and how to best regain control of sleep in order to bolster their brains and memory processes.

Professor Payne will participate in a LIVE Q&A immediately following the pre-recorded lecture. A recording will be available to view after the live event concludes but you MUST register to receive the link.

Questions about this event? Email

Register at



Did you know you can get paid for taking care of a family member or friend?

You are eligible if:

¨        You are living in the same home as the person you care for

¨        The person you care for has or is eligible for CT Medicaid

¨        The person you care for requires help with some of the following activities on a daily basis:

Dressing                              Feeding

Bathing                               Toileting

Transferring                       Walking

Medication                          Supervision for a cognitive impairment

The Adult Family Living program is open to Connecticut residents statewide who are eligible for the Connecticut Home Care Program for Elders (CHCPE) or the Personal Care Assistance (PCA) program. Care recipients must have both a functional and financial need for care.



Groton Senior Center is excited to present a brand new program called “The Call Hub”.  This program is generously sponsored by the Groton Parks Foundation.
The Call Hub is a social calling program designed to provide enriching, fun and stimulating conversations. This program is for individuals who are homebound or lack human connection through socialization and activities outside of the home. Our goal is to have individuals feel validated and connected to other people with similar interests and values through the utilization of weekly phone calls.
Volunteers for this program are super important and can help to make a difference in others lives by giving 1 hour a week to 2 recipients by calling them. Social calling can improve psychological wellbeing , give folks opportunities to talk with like-minded people, perceived self-efficacy, more years at home and referrals to addition-al community resources. Social isolation affects nearly 1 in 5 older adults and that while it’s harmful at any age it’s especially dangerous for people over 50. Social isolation and loneliness are associated with higher blood pressure, increased susceptibility to the flu, greater risk of heart disease and earlier onset of dementia.
If you have questions or would like to participate in this program as a volunteer please reach out to our volunteer coordinator, Tomi at 860-441-6782 or

Get Out There!! – Content by Judy

New Age???

New Time???

New Start???

Do any of us know what to call this time we are now living? I can’t figure it out myself. I just know I’ll never live a ‘normal’ life again. That was before COVID. Now I just know things a different and I need to create the life I want to live.

Things will be different because we are different. But how do we want this new ‘different’ to look? Should we be making a new plan? Finding new avenues? Reassessing those things we wanted but didn’t do before?

My husband and I started a list several months ago of things we were going to do after COVID. On it I added go to bars. My husband said, “But we don’t go to bars!” “No, but we’re going to start because it’s something new and different. Who knows we might even like them!” So, we’ll see…

That’s sort of a silly example of trying something new. Going somewhere we might be uncomfortable. Experiencing a new environment. But it will get us engaged in a new way and who knows we might even make new friends or find people we used to know.

I want all of you to experience that new day. A new start. For you to act and move forward. Even if you don’t know what ‘IT’ is. Work on ‘IT’. Figure ‘IT’ out. Make a plan. Pick a day of each week to try something new.

It can be as simple as enjoying a cup of coffee in a new place. You’re not alone. There will be others looking for the same things you are looking for. Say hello as you walk by. You just need to get out there.

The next day maybe go for a walk. Then reach out and ask someone to go out to eat or visit a museum. Even if they can’t go then, see if they want to meet up another time. I can almost guarantee they do! They are lonely too. Invite a few friends and family over for a game night or a cookout. Reach out to an old friend you haven’t seen in a while. Put yourself out there. Volunteer. Go to the library. Join the gym. Sign up for a class at the Senior Center.

And if a few things don’t go as you thought they would, remember it’s ok. You’re trying. Finding a new path can be hard and it will take time. But you just might end up in a totally different place than what you thought you wanted. And it can be even better than you ever imagined!!

So be sure to remember aging is a privilege. A time to explore. A time for growth. A time make new connections with new people and places.

As we travel into this new world don’t forget to reinvent yourself and your life!!

Do you need more books to read or jigsaw puzzles to do?

We continue to have a table set out in front of our building with jigsaw puzzles and books including large print books for you to borrow. Feel free to stop by anytime and help yourself. When you finish please kindly return it by putting it in the Return Bin located under the table.  If you are homebound and would like a puzzle or book please call us and we can provide home delivery.

ECTC Transportation program

This year, the ECTC (Eastern Connecticut Transportation Consortium) medical transportation program has undergone some important changes. We will no longer be assessing a membership fee for the year and the one-way trips have increased to 24 per year, per person. Individuals who are not already registered for the program must register. Please contact the Senior Affairs Office at 860-887-5581 ext. 6 for additional information. For those individuals utilizing only the Caregiver Mileage Reimbursement mileage portion of the program, it remains unchanged.

The Caregiver Mileage Reimbursement and Medical Transportation program is for adults 60+ and persons with disabilities who are unable to drive and need transportation to a medical  appointment that is occurring outside of the hours or area that the town funded transportation services operate. This service is funded through a state grant. Rides and reimbursements are contingent upon the availability of grant funds. When funds run out, the provision of rides will be stopped until such time as funds become available again.

Drive-Thru Food Distribution

Connecticut Food Bank/Foodshare are holding a weekly Drive-Thru Food Distribution in Norwich.  You remain in your vehicle and groceries are placed in your trunk or back seat.  Please wear a mask.  No appointment needed – just show up during hours listed below.  Open to anyone in need of food.

WHEN: every Monday through August

LOCATION: Parking lot across from Pistol Pete’s Bar & Grill

28 Stonington Road, Norwich, CT 06360

HOURS: 9:30 am – 12:00 pm

For more information visit:

Or call the Connecticut Food Bank: (203) 741-9751 or (203) 469-5000


Norwich Public Utilities Drop Box

A Norwich Public Utilities Drop Box is located between the front entrance double doors of the Senior Center.  Drop off your NPU bill and payment in the drop box by noon to be picked up the same day.  Please make sure your bill and payment are in a sealed envelope before you drop it in the box!

Please be aware that the drop box is only accessible during the hours the Senior Center is open.

If you have any questions on your Norwich Public Utilities Bill, please contact NPU Customer Service (860) 887-2555.