Category: Services

CHOICES Medicare Counseling

A CHOICES counselor is available to help Connecticut’s older adults and persons with disabilities understand their Medicare coverage and healthcare options. CHOICES provides counseling on all types of Medicare and related insurances, including Medicare Part A, Part B, Part D, and Medicare Advantage. CHOICES counselors can help Medicare beneficiaries understand their Medicare Part D (prescription drug) options and can help them select the Prescription Drug Plan that best suits their individual situation.

Contact the Senior Center to schedule an appointment.

January Services



Thu, Jan 4th from 11am to 1pm at the Senior Center. 20 minute appointments start at 11am. Free hearing test, a hearing aid check, wax inspection, and listening demos. Register with the Senior Center.



Thu, Jan 11th from 12:15pm to 3:45pm. Routine foot care provided for a fee – $10pp. Appointment required. No diabetics please. Payment due at time of service.

The massage will be about 20 minutes which includes a foot soak by a
Massage Therapist. $22pp upon registration. Thu, Jan 4th. Appointments start at 12:30pm.

MANICURE – Sponsored by Pretty Nails and Spa, Tue, Jan 9th & Jan 23rd.
Starts at 8:15am. 15 minute appointments $5pp – Cut, file, shape, and polish.

Haircuts by appointment offered on Thu, Jan 25th. 9:30AM – 1PM, Every 20 minutes. Cost is $15 per person

Massages (with clothes on) to be offered. You can reserve a 25 minute appointment for $33 or a 50 minute appointment for $66. Wed, Jan 10th & 24th from 12:30pm to 3:30pm and Thu, Jan 18th, 10am – 1pm. Register with the Senior Center. 48 hours – cancellation. Wear comfortable clothing. Payment is due at time of reservation.

January Food Distribution

We will conduct our distribution on Friday, January 5th from 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. 

All are welcome to participate in this service, you do not need to be a Preston resident to participate.


Thanks to the fantastic efforts of United Community and Family Services
staff we are able to continue this valuable service to the Town of Preston. Uncas
Health District staff will be available to distribute important information,

AARP Tax-Aide Program

We are delighted to announce we will continue to offer the AARP Tax
Assistance Program at the Preston Senior Center again this year. Our schedule
begins with Wednesday, February 14th at 10:00 a.m. Sessions will be conducted
on two-week intervals including February 14th, February 28th, March 13th, March 27th and concluding on April 10th. Appointments will be scheduled at one-hour intervals starting at 10:00 a.m. and continuing through 1:00 p.m.


AARP Income Tax Assistance Program is free of charge and will be
conducted at the Preston Senior Center, 42 Long Society Road. The income tax
preparation assistance is designed for low and middle-income tax payers of all
ages, with special attention to those individuals who are 60 years of age or older.


We also request that you bring your Income Tax documents from 2022 which you filed.


If married, we ask that both husband and wife are present during the
income tax counseling session. Taxpayers must bring all documents which they
have received that apply to their 2023 income tax.


If you are interested in scheduling an appointment with a Certified AARP
Tax Counselor, please call the Senior Affairs Office at 860-887-5581 extension 6
leaving your name and telephone number and a brief message. You will be
contacted regarding scheduling availability.


When coming to your appointment, we strongly recommend that you bring
your 2022 income tax documents with you.


The AARP Tax Assistance Program is provided FREE of Charge by extremely
well trained and Certified Counselors. We anticipate having three counselors
available this season. The Counselors make every effort to ensure accuracy and
they complete each and every income tax appointment in a professional manner.
On occasion some income tax appointments take a little longer to complete than
others. We ask you to be patient as its not the intent to complete as many returns
as possible but to allow ample time to complete each return accurately. If you
need to cancel your appointment, a courtesy call letting us know would be helpful.

January TVCCA Cafe Menu

Our Congregate Meal Program is held on each Monday (with the exception
of holidays and power outages) at 11:30 p.m. at the Preston Senior Center, 42
Long Society Road, Preston. Reservations are necessary and we ask that you make your reservation one week prior to the day you plan on attending the program. Our meal orders are made one week in advance of the actual date of the meal.


Our January schedule is as follows:

January 8th: Country Style Chicken, Buttermilk Mashed Potatoes, Cauliflower,
Carrots & Snap Peas, Mixed Fruit Cup, Bread, Margarine and Beverage.

January 15th: Program closed due to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. holiday.

January 22nd: Chicken Cacciatore, Pasta Shells w/Herbs, Green & Waxed Beans, Applesauce Cup, Bread, Margarine and Beverage.

January 29th: Italian Pork Sausage & Peppers, Penne Pasta w/Marinara, Green & Yellow Squash, Fresh Fruit, Bread, Margarine and Beverage.


The suggested donation is $3.00 per person 60 years of age and older.
Person’s younger are always welcome but will be charged a fee. For reservations,
please contact the senior center on Monday (9-3:30, Tuesday & Thursday 12:30 –
4) at 860-889-0770 or by telephoning the Senior Affairs Office at 860-887-5581


Every Wednesday by appointment

We have our wonderful Choices Benefits Specialist, Nancy, helping our Montville seniors access the available programs and services from Federal, State, and local programs . This is a wonderful service for our seniors. If you have questions on insurance, assistance, etc. Nancy can help with this Benefits Check Program.

Please call the Center to sign up for an appointment with Nancy at #860-848-0422

*NEW* Montville Senior Center’s New Homemaker Program

The Montville Senior Center Homemaker Program proposes to provide FREE in home services to our seniors in the Town of Montville. This program is made possible with a grant received from Senior Resources with Title III funds made available under the Older Americans Act. Seniors would get an initial overall cleaning and then weekly or bi-weekly maintenance cleaning. Seniors who are physically or financially unable to afford this service and it is essential for their health and well-being would likely qualify for this new service.

Please call Kathie at 860-848-0422 for details and/or appointments.

Fridays on the Bus


January Services

Mini Pedicure: January 9th & 11th by appt. — $25

Haircuts: January 8th & 22nd by appt. — $15.00

Foot Clinic w/ Town Nurse (doesn’t cut toenails): January by Appt. — FREE

Blood Pressure Clinic: Daily, 11-1 — FREE

Medicare Choices Counseling: January by Appt. — FREE

Manicures: January 4th by appt. — $15.00

Foot Clinic w/Foot Care Associates (cuts toenails) : January 18th by appt. — $35

Hearing Clinic: January 29th by appt. — FREE

Reiki Appointments (1st appt Free): January 10th & 24th by appt. — $50, 1st free


VNA of Southeastern CT

Visiting Nurse Association of Southeastern CT is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to optimizing the health and well being of the people in our region. One of VNASC’s Core Values is to share responsibility with the community for improving its health status.

Blood Pressure Clinics: Tuesdays 11:00 am -12:00 pm and Fridays 8:45- 9:45am
Monthly Foot Care: Please call 860-441-6785 or stop by the front desk to book an appointment.