At the East Lyme Public Library
Payment by check to AARP
$20 for AARP Member
$25 for Non-Member
Category: Services
Hair Salon
Full Hair Salon Services ranging from haircut, set and blow dry, color, foil, and perms are offered Tuesday and Thursdays at the Ledyard Senior Center.
Call Amy at 860-367-2896 to schedule an appointment.
Coastal Café featured Entrée January 2022
Our center’s COASTAL CAFE is open to the public! ALL ARE WELCOME!
HOURS 8:30 am – 12:45 pm MONDAY – FRIDAY with CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST 8:30 am – 10:30 am and LUNCH is 11:15 am – 12:45pm.
FOR INFO/TAKEOUT Call (860) 441-6771 or (860) 441-6785
Click here for the men: COASTAL CAFE MENU CALENDER JAN 2022
LUNCH & LEARN Cook Well – Live Well
Wed, Jan 19th at 12:30pm
Cook Well With Diabetes – a NEW program adopted
by the East Lyme Senior Center will be featured at this
“Lunch and Learn” with tips on how to successfully
manage diabetes or prediabetes.
Come join Cindy Barry of Ledge Light Health District
and Erica Benvenuti of UConn Extension
Registration begins Jan 3rd.
Register by Fri, Jan 14th.
Hair Cuts
Fourth Thursday of the Month. 9am-12pm Call (860)434-4127 to sign up for an appointment.
We are now THRIVE55+
Groton Senior Center is adopting a new identity –THRIVE55+ Active Living Center to better reflect the efforts to promote the healthy and vibrant lifestyles of its members and staff efforts to help older adults thrive in the community. This change is a result of a 2019 research study of perceptions and barriers to using the Senior Center. This study showed that the word “senior” had negative connotations from nonusers affecting the overall perception of its programs and services. An overwhelming majority of survey participants supported removing “senior” from the organization’s title, and suggested branding that reflects the activities and community services offered. Based on the recommendations of the survey, the rebranding of the center was an appropriate step to shift perceptions and ultimately better align with available center services. For at least six months the brand will have the tag line “powered by the Groton Senior Center” before transitioning fully to the new name alone. This will allow time for people to adapt to the new name but also know that it is still the same staff who will continue with the quality programs that are offered. Below is an explanation of the new brand. Both the research of perceptions and barriers and the new branding and renaming efforts were paid for by the center’s fund balance and not from taxpayer dollars. If you have any questions, you can contact Mark Berry or Mary Jo Riley.
Free Live Well Workshops
Now offered via telephone. Senior Resources is now offering three different Free Live Well Telephone Workshops for area adults and their caregivers: Chronic Pain Self-Management, Diabetes Self-Management, Chronic Pain Self-Management. No other technology than a phone is needed for participants to connect for one hour weekly for six weeks to a trained Live Well leader who facilitates the sessions. In these weekly interactive calls, the leader reviews material and the group explores different self management tools such as action planning, problem solving, decision making, communication, healthy eating, physical activity and planning for the future. Workshops are limited to six adults. For more information call Senior Resources at 860-887-3561 ext 127 and ask to speak to Lori.
January Café Menu:
The TVCCA Café Program meal site which is held at the Preston Senior
Center on Mondays offers the following menu for January:
January 3rd: Crispy Cod, Macaroni & Cheese, Squash Mix w/Carrots & String
Beans, Pineapple Tidbits, bread, margarine and beverage.
January 10th: Philly Cheesesteak w/roll, Sweet Potato Tater Tots, Peas & Pearl
Onions, Diced Pears, bread, margarine and beverage.
January 17th: Program closed due to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. holiday.
January 24th: Swedish Meatballs, Egg Noodles, Zucchini, Peas, & Carrots, fresh
Orange, bread, margarine and beverage.
January 31st: Country Style Chicken, Buttermilk Mashed Potatoes, Corn
w/Peppers & Onions, Sweet Treat, Grape Juice, bread, margarine and beverage.
Reservations are necessary to participate in this program. We ask that you
register on Monday prior to the Monday in which you plan on attending the
program. There is a suggested donation of $3.00 per meal for individuals who are
60 years of age and over. Questions? Please contact the Senior Affairs Office at
860-887-5581 ext. 6 with your questions or concerns. Currently, transportation
provided by the Town of Preston is not available for this program.
The TVCCA Café Program will be offering some “Specialty Meals” designed
for specific holidays such as Valentines Day, St. Patrick’s Day, etc. Should the
senior center opt to participate in these special meals, participants will be
informed that there would be an increase to the suggested donation amount. We
will not participate in such meal choices unless all registered guests understand
and agree that there would be an increase for said meal.
Our weekly grocery shopping transportation schedule to the Norwich area
will continue on Monday’s. There is no fee for this service. The preference
currently is Walmart, Big Y and Shop Rite stores. The bus begins pick-ups at
approximately 9:20 a.m. with a return to Preston before noon. Anyone interested
in joining us on the shopping trip is asked to call one week in advance of date in
which you plan on riding. Please contact the Senior Affairs Office at 860-887-5581
ext. 6 to reserve a seat or with any questions.
Food Distribution
The schedule that we are planning to continue with for the UC&FS Food
Distribution is the first Friday of each month. (As long as interest in the program
warrants) Our next distribution is scheduled for Friday, January 7, 2022 from
10:00 – 11:00 a.m. at the Preston Senior Center. Rain, wind and snow haven’t
deterred our efforts in the past and we hope to continue our efforts for a very
long time to come. If you have question concerning the food distribution
program, please contact the Senior Affairs Office at 860-887-5581 extension 6.