
Programs – The Senior Center plans events on a monthly basis. Below is a listing for what generally occurs. For more details on events not listed below, check the Calendar Section and/or the News Section.

Fitness – Participants can trial any class without obligation. Please notify the Senior Center office if you are trialing a class.

All participants are encouraged to participate at their level of fitness/comfort. Any physical concerns are to be addressed to your personal physician. Questions about modifying the routines are to be directed to your instructor. All instructors are CPR certified and qualified in the class they are teaching.

Classes are Session Based: These classes will have a specific start and end date. Class sessions typically run for 3 months.

Music Classes – Ukulele and Guitar lessons. Explore your creative side and challenge yourself mentally by learning to play an instrument. Beginner level is offered as well as more advanced classes. Loaner instrument is available if needed.

Education/Enrichment Classes – Learn new skills in the areas of the arts, technology, health and more. Through education develop and help maintain your mental abilities as well as enhance your self-esteem and creative needs. Explore and develop your interests.

Cards/GamesA variety of choices for group play and individual play. Promotes mental stimulation and provides for socialization. They stimulate memory, attention skills and have great social interaction which works on many parts of the brain. Our games programs include a variety of levels from basic to more challenging options.

Social Scene – The Senior Center plans, often with meals, events that are offered to provide socialization and entertainment. Any excuse for a party is considered whether it be to celebrate a national holiday or just to have some fun.

Health Services – These services are provided to help older adults age at home and stay as well as possible. Everyone is encouraged to take advantage of the programs.

Nutrition Services – The Senior Nutrition Program, administered by TVCCA, offers nutritious meals on Tuesday and Thursday at 11:45am. You must register for a lunch at least 24 hours in advance.


    • September’s full moon, the Full Corn Moon, reaches peak illumination on Wed, September 2, at 1:23 a.m. EDT.

    • September, in Old England, was called Haervest-monath (Harvest Month). This is the time to gather up the rest of the harvest and prepare for the winter months.

    • September’s name comes from the Latin word septem, meaning “seven.” This month had originally been the seventh month of the early Roman calendar.

    • September 22 marks the start of fall! This year’s Autumnal Equinox falls on September 22 at 9:31 A.M. EDT. At this time, there are approximately equal hours of daylight and darkness.


    The State of Connecticut is still in Phase 2 of reopening and the following measures are still in place:
    Capacity limit of 50% for most businesses that reopen.
    Strict cleaning and disinfection protocols in all settings.
    Those who can work from home should continue to do so.
    Those in high-risk groups (comorbidities) and over the age of 65 should continue to stay safe and stay home.
    Facemasks should continue to be worn in public at all times.
    Specific to Senior Centers are that outdoor events will be limited to 100 people. Indoor events will be limited to 50% of building capacity or 25 people per space (whichever is smaller). ALL participants must be logged in through a check-in process to support contract tracing. Programs are to be scheduled to allow for decreased congestion, and time to sanitize before the start of a new one. Café meal sites should not open at this time. Registration for any program must e advance. Any activity run by Senior Centers must maintain 6 ft of social distancing at all times.
    In short, a return to “normal” operation is not recommended at this time.


    The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced an extended equitable relief period for
    beneficiaries who are unable to pay their premiums because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
    CMS is still encouraging beneficiaries to pay their premiums on time, however, they are giving
    beneficiaries who are unable to pay due to the pandemic until September 30, 2020
    to pay their premiums without termination of their coverage.
    Beneficiaries with past due balances will receive a letter informing them of the September 30,
    2020 relief period end date.