
    VETERANS’ COFFEE HOUSE- First Friday of the Month at New London Senior Center

    TVCCA, through their RSVP (Retired & Senior Volunteer Program)  is sponsoring a Veterans’ Coffee House the first Friday of every month from 9am to 11am at the New London Senior Center at 120 Broad Street in New London. The Coffee House will provide a comfortable location for ALL veterans – both mean and women of any age – to meet, socialize, communicate and receive information regarding veterans benefits and services through state and federal agencies and programs.


    Tuesday, November 7th- ELECTION DAY INFORMATION


    Tuesday, November 7th is Election Day.

    Many activities will be cancelled as the Community Center is a polling site. Check with the Senior Center for details.

    If you require a ride to the polls, please contact the Senior Center by Fri, November 3rd.
