
Click here to visit the official Thrive55+ Active Living Center website.

Enhanced Benefits Checkup Counseling is BACK!!

Senior Resources Enhanced Benefits Checkup Coordinator, Lori Napolitano will be taking appointments here at Groton Senior Center twice a month on Tuesdays the following dates:

  • Screenings are appropriate for those seeking State/Federal Program assistance as well as Medicare Counseling.
  • Clients can be scheduled regardless of where they live in CT.  If an appointment is not available at the town they reside, clients will can schedule at another location.
  • Clients must come prepared for their appointment. Failure to come prepared impacts the client negatively.

Call 860-441-6785 to schedule.


As a rider on the Thrive 55+ transportation, the center provides a low cost ride to medical appointments and shopping for recommended $2 donation.

Transportation Information page





    Be Ready for the Recovery – Content by Judy

    Marketing trends have been heading in new directions for a while but the COVID19 is really pushing that envelope into horizons we cannot even imagine. We currently are living, working, and shopping in ways we never dreamed of. And these new ways too will change quickly as we readjust to a whole new “normal” as we come out of this lockdown. We will mourn the loss of many things, as we start consuming services and goods in different ways. We will be discovering what companies and businesses have survived. What new businesses have emerged.

    Stopping for a coffee can be a good example. How many of us stopped daily for that great cup of Joe? Couldn’t live without it…. Until….. Our lives changed. The habit got broken because we were no longer leaving the house every day. The question becomes how many cups of coffee will that business sell as we all come out of this pandemic? Will the local shops even reopen?

    Companies must adjust quickly if they plan to survive and be profitable over the next 5 years. Marketing trends have been heading in new directions for a while but the COVID19 is really pushing that envelope into horizons we cannot even imagine.

    Trends show we will continue to hold virtual meetings which will become a more efficient use of time. We will socialize in every different ways. We have found we do not like social distancing so much. Clubs will pop up and memberships will increase. Facebook groups will evolve and start gathering in person. Established groups such as VFWs, The Elks, The Moose will attract new members. Senior Centers, the Y, Park n Rec and similar organizations will experience a surge in activity as people discover their new routines.

    The public will spend months perhaps years looking for and discovering their new day to day habits. And when creating this new life, they will select the parts they liked and discard what they will not do again, and businesses need to be where the consumer can find them such as This collective site is trusted and contains trusted information. This cutting-edge resource is that place where users find what they are looking for, mark their calendars with activities and though clickable ads find services and products they are looking for. Plus, then can relay all this information to their family and friends.

    Businesses need to:

    • Be that trusted advisor/service/site/provider
    • Strengthen existing customer relationships
    • Identify real opportunities and shift accordingly
    • pinpoint key priorities
    • determine their brand and do extensive brand building so their company is easy to recognize
    • Be ready for the recovery

    And all businesses need to be very aware of the senior population. As a group they will be for the most part the least affected by all of this. For the most part their income will continue to be very stable. And they still will be purchasing and consuming at the rate they were.

    Resources like will grow in popularity as the senior population, their friends and families are looking to establish and get back their “new” ordinary lives.

    Be Safe, Be Smart, Be Wise! Content by Judy

    So here we sit with Coronavirus snuggled up right next to us on the coach. And yeah, I’m not liking it very much.   You? How about we ask those germs to please leave? Tell them they have overstayed their welcome? Just flat out tell them to get out!! I don’t think any of us could have ever imagined or thought up a worldwide situation like this!! But it is what it is and we need to all – Be Safe, Be Smart, and Be Wise!

    When we think of safe, we often think of being secure, protected, free from danger. In this situation being safe is… Stay home. Keep 6 feet of space between you and others.


    We have started using “My Tribe” “My Circle” “My Posse” as a way to refer to those closest to us. So be sure they are safe too. Contact those loved ones, friends and neighbors. Work together to make things as good as you all can. Take care of each other and stay safe.

    Now let’s Be Smart – Use your time wisely. Create new routines because being together for way more hours than usual can create difficult situations. Find new ways to stay calm. Maybe find a yoga video. Learn to meditate. And you can probably find what you are looking for online. YouTube is amazing. Take a look – There is like nothing that is not there. Learn something new, maybe a craft skill, a new language. Watch silly movies. Make your own videos. Share them with those you are missing. Share online. Make others laugh. Make a list. And do the things at home you never seem to have time for. Enjoy the great weather and start spring cleanup. Get the garden ready. Clean closets, cabinets, paint that room, reorganize, fill out your census form. Be smart and “Don’t hoard” For everything you have too much of – someone else needs it. Just what are some of you going to do with 100 rolls of toilet paper??? Buy what you need and leave the rest for the next guy.


    Be Wise – take care of you!! If you don’t – you can’t take care of those around you. Be nice to you and nice to those around you. Develop a new schedule. Structure helps. Be thankful for those still out there taking care of us. The xray tech, the nurse, the doctor, the CNAs, police, EMTs, firefighters, TRUCK DRIVERS, everyone that is still working. AND Stay positive!! Don’t hoard!! Use your time wisely!! Plan parties and events for when this is all over!! Look at this as more of a gift than a punishment


    Pharmacy Information:

    • Groton CVS 860-446-0912 Pharmacy – Open 24 hours. Drive through. Delivery through mail.
    • Groton Big Y Pharmacy  860-445-7719 Open 9:00AM-7:00PM Monday – Friday. Delivery is an option if you live in a  7 mile radius from the store, must pay by debit or credit and must have your order in to the store no later than 11:00AM. Senior  ONLY Hours 7:00AM-8:00AM.
    • Groton Walgreens  860-405-1919- Open 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM. Tuesdays seniors only from 8:00AM-9:00AM /plus they receive a senior discount during this time. You can order your medications through their website and Fed Ex will deliver it.
    • Groton Walmart Pharmacy 860-449-6902. Pharmacy hours 9:00AM-7:00PM . Tuesdays Senior ONLY from 6:00AM-9:00AM .


    Coronavirus Scams- Be Alert!

    Be alert!! FTC and SEC tips to avoid coronavirus scams

    -Be wary of anyone asking for money for corona virus victims, or for disease research, especially if they want prepaid credit cards or gift cards.

    -Ignore phone calls or emails from strangers urging you to invest in a hot new coronavirus stock.

    -Don’t click on links or download files from unexpected emails, even if the email address looks like a company or person you recognize. Ditto for unfamiliar websites.

    -Avoid online offers for coronavirus-related vaccines or cures; they aren’t legitimate.


    Do you need help with your Medicare costs?
    Are you on a limited income?
    Are your prescriptions
    too expensive?

    Do you need help paying your Medicare Premiums?

    Senior Resources Agency on Aging Presents:
    Groton Senior Center 102 Newtown Road, Groton, CT 06340
    Wednesday, March 18, 2020 @ 11:00 AM

    Please register for this free presentation at 860-441-6785
    Information will be provided by a Certified CHOICES Counselor.