
Click here to visit the official Thrive55+ Active Living Center website.

Enhanced Benefits Checkup Counseling is BACK!!

Senior Resources Enhanced Benefits Checkup Coordinator, Lori Napolitano will be taking appointments here at Groton Senior Center twice a month on Tuesdays the following dates:

  • Screenings are appropriate for those seeking State/Federal Program assistance as well as Medicare Counseling.
  • Clients can be scheduled regardless of where they live in CT.  If an appointment is not available at the town they reside, clients will can schedule at another location.
  • Clients must come prepared for their appointment. Failure to come prepared impacts the client negatively.

Call 860-441-6785 to schedule.


As a rider on the Thrive 55+ transportation, the center provides a low cost ride to medical appointments and shopping for recommended $2 donation.

Transportation Information page





    Weather Cancellations

    Snow cancellations and early closings are on the following stations:

    Television – Channel 2, WFSB Channel 3, Radio Stations WNLC, WICH, WCTY and K-HITS.  Closing includes the Fitness Center and Coastal Café.

    If you are not sure, please call the center. The center will not reopen until the parking lot and sidewalks are plowed for your safety.

    CALL BEFORE YOU GO Info Line is 860-445-2989.

    Gift Giving Alternatives – Content by Judy

    It’s that time of year when we are thinking about what to buy or make for gifts. What’s the right thing? What do they want? What will they use??

    For some folks you know exactly what to get but then for others you have no idea!! Some people seem to have everything they want and never ask for anything – even when you ask them what they want. So, then you are searching and wondering and worrying as what to get.

    Oft times there are not so obvious gifts we can give….

    Fuel oil – wouldn’t it be so cool to get 150 gallons! Who would say no to that!!

    Newspaper – if they read it every day or just on Sundays, they’ll be thinking of you as they are reading

    Amazon Prime membership – yup that’s my gift!! I use it all of the time!!

    Trash removal

    AAA membership


    Pet food

    Vet visit

    Hairdresser/barber shop


    Cable TV


    Something to do with their hobby

    Quilter – fabric store gift card

    Woodworker – Home Depot card

    Senior Center membership or put it on their trip account – give them a stack of $1 bills to use for their lunches

    These are just a few ideas and then you could make coupons they can redeem for things like….

    A ride – anywhere they want – maybe to go leaf peeping or a visit down memory lane

    Go to church with them

    Invite them over – have dinner – watch a movie – play a game

    Include them in your family outing – take them to the little league game, the scout meeting, the school play

    You don’t have to spent much to make someone’s day!! Often, it’s free to make them happy!!

    Scams and getting taken advantage of – Content by Judy

    As the holidays approach it becomes almost prime season for the scams to pop up. There is the feeling of good will and sharing. There is the end of year giving for tax purposes.

    And there are the schemes out there looking to catch you in your weak moment. We have all heard of the lady getting taken advantage of for thousands of dollars. She goes to the bank and transfers her savings to the love of her life overseas.

    Well that guy who convinced her to send her savings is trying to convince dozens of other ladies to send him money as well. And he laughs all the way to the bank!!

    Now you wonder. How do I not fall victim to these scams? How do I keep my guard up?

    One big way is to not answer the phone when someone you don’t know calls you. When your phone rings and it’s a number or name you don’t know – let the phone continue to ring and have your answering machine answer. All of those unwanted calls do not leave messages.

    Now you can block those numbers from calling your again and again. If you don’t know how to block numbers, ask a family member or friend to help you.

    Otherwise just let it ring every time they call you. Do not answer!!

    Also, you can register for free with the National Do Not Call Registry. This can be done online at or by calling 1-866-290-4236. Registrations do not expire. If you have previously registered your number, there is no need to register again. You can also check to see if your number is already on the Registry at

    Then there is Junk mail. Don’t even open it. Shred it!! Remember it’s called junk mail for a very good reason!!

    Do not send anyone money. Don’t send money to those organizations that are out there doing mass mailings and asking for your hard-earned dollars. If you think it’s an organization you want to help, research how much of every dollar they get goes to help the people they are asking you to help. Lots of times it’s pennies. The rest goes to the campaign to raise the money.

    And if you want to help those less fortunate than you consider giving locally. There are many different groups in your area doing marvelous work and can always find a great way to use your dollars. Often, it’s much more meaningful for us when we see how that agency, we gave money to is helping those in our neighborhood, our town or our area.

    SCAM program, Tuesday November 19th

    “Just hang up!” The older generation has a hard time being” rude” – we are urging you “be rude and hang up”. Scam artists are trained to keep you on the telephone. The longer you stay on the telephone the more likely they are to illicit information. ANY information, even things you believe to be non-relevant, can be used by the scammers now or for future scam attempts.

    Protect yourself and just hang up! To learn more sign up for our newest night of SCAM program, Tuesday November 19th  at 5 -7 pm with Town of Groton Police Department.  Registration is needed– please call 860-441-6785 or stop at our front desk.



    You all may have seen Nancy Bordeau, our Clayworks instructor, in the back hall. She usually has her car pulled up out back delivering ceramics for people to work on. Nancy has been with the Groton Senior Center over 25 years. Nancy is a local from Uncasville where she grew up.  How did she become so talented with the art of ceramics? Her mom gets the credit for starting her. In the 1960’s, Nancy’s mom took ceramics classes herself and fell in love with the art enough to start her own business in 1969 in Uncasville. Her mom brought home items for Nancy to paint and that started her passion for the art.

    Nancy’s favorite things to do are Halloween items – ghosts and jack o’ lanterns. Nancy explained that ceramics has come a long way from ash trays and simple things.  There are new painting techniques, indoor and outdoor pieces, functional items like dishware, platters and bowls. Paint today can be food safe and dishwasher safe also. So if you are looking for a new program to try, come visit Nancy. Her class runs Monday 10- 11:30am and Thursday afternoons 1-3 pm.