
    NASA Is Offering Free Virtual Tours of Space

    At some point or another you’ll find yourself desperate to escape the confines of your quarantine lifestyle. The good news? You can do so without risking your health or that of others. Virtually tour the world’s most iconic museums, historic landmarks, or somewhere that was off-limits before the
    stay-at-home orders were even instituted: outer space.

    Fun (and Free!) Senior Online Games

    The Internet is an entertaining place. Aside from communicating with friends and family as well as acting as one giant encyclopedia, the Internet also provides a plethora of fun, in particular, senior online games. There are tons of these games for seniors available, ranging from those that sharpen your cognitive skills to those that are simply an easy and enjoyable way to pass the time. But with hundreds and thousands of senior online games available right at your fingertips, sometimes it can be a little overwhelming to
    find the best ones. So, we’ve checked out a few sites in order to
    compile a list of the best (and free!) senior online games.

    Fun (and Free!) Senior Online Games

    Do you need errands done?

    We have volunteers to help you. Call us at 860-376-2329 and we will set you up with a trusted volunteer.

    Ways to stay Happy and Healthy at Home!!!

     Watch a movie/Netflix/video

     Do something crafty-knit, crochet, make a collage, scrapbook

     Write a memoir

     Write a poem

     Write a letter

     Write a song

     Give your brain a workout and play online games.

     Crossword puzzles-free printable (

     Jig-saw-puzzles-we are fortunate we have a few hundred – GIVE US A CALL

     Meditate – Try lying down with your eyes closed, palms up and while focusing on your breath. Or spend 20 minutes sitting cross-legged and repeat a soothing word to yourself in your head. (The latter is more like transcendental meditation.)

     Call a friend/skype

     Pamper yourself. Have a Cup of Tea, Listen to music

     TED Talks

     Find a project at home-clean your windows, dust your house.

     Fix broken items

     Go through old photographs and write on them(who, what)/organize them

     Go through your old clothes and get rid of the ones you don’t want any more or fix the ones that are missing buttons etc.

     Stretch

     Go outside/plant a garden/relax

     Gaze at the stars

     Redecorate your space

     Read

     Make a bucket list of things you want to do when this is all over!

    Here are names and numbers of the restaurants that are serving take-out orders:

    Green Onion Pizza 860-376-3817

    Just Breakfast & Things……860-376-4040



    Poppy & Rye…………….………860-383-2026


    Brody’s Seafood Market……860-213-5648

    Occum Pizza…………………….860-822-8025