
    Restroom Update

    Starting June 15th there will be 2 bathroom options.
    1) There is a handicap porta potty which is locked nightly & checked daily for cleanliness.
    2) Indoor bathrooms. Please see rules below for this option
    • Indoor bathrooms will only be available when center staff is on site and available to
    unlock doors. Please ring doorbell. Only one person (or one person & a caregiver) will
    be allowed in the building at a time. Masks and temperature checks are required.

    We Have Good News about opening of Outdoor Activities for the Senior Center!

    The Senior Center will be holding small OUTDOOR socially distanced group programs and services beginning Monday, May 3rd. We are excited
    about welcoming people back, with caution. Our The Senior Center will be holding small OUTDOOR socially distanced group programs and services beginning Monday, May 3rd. We are excited about welcoming people back, with caution. Our population is still the most at-risk group for contracting COVID-19 and complications arising out of being infected. Safety, for our members and our staff, will remain our highest priority. It is not only our biggest concern; it is our responsibility. In order to reopen, we must abide by state guidelines for different sectors (per the Governor): Senior Centers, Indoor Recreation, Restaurants plus Ledge Light Health District. We, more than anyone, wish we didn’t have to do this, but we are determined to follow the guidelines to keep everyone safe and healthy. Although it won’t be the same Senior Center you left on March 13, 2020, we are excited to offer opportunities for people to see each other and have fun. All rules and program offerings are subject to change depending on new guidelines and best practice changes re: covid-19 precautions. All members will be required to read and sign a document acknowledging that you have read and understand the rules when arriving for their first in person class, program, or service.

    Can I just stop by the Senior Center any time I want? Unfortunately, no. Per the state guidelines, individuals must make an advance “reservation” to attend a program or service at the Senior Center. This is necessary for contact tracing in the event someone tests positive for COVID-19 and to keep track of the numbers of people in programs. For instance, if you want to speak with the nurse, you must call for an appointment. If you want to take a fitness class, you must call in advance to reserve your spot. Our smaller outdoor entertainment programs will require a ticket that you will pick up after you call to register. Each activity will have maximum attendance limits to ensure social distancing. Also no one actively experiencing COVID symptoms should visit the center grounds.

    MASKS: MASKS ARE MANDATORY. If you are unable to wear a mask, please call Stephanie at the Senior Center and we will try and make alternative arrangements for you to participate in programs or services virtually. Masks must be worn covering the nose and the mouth completely. Anytime you are walking around the grounds or under the tent, you must have your mask covering your nose and mouth. Mask breaks can be taken over 20 feet away from tent and 12 feet from the nearest person. Masks with ventilators are not acceptable, unless a paper disposable mask is worn over the ventilator mask.

    Social Distancing: Everyone is required to maintain a 6-foot social distance while at the Senior Center (12 feet during exercise classes).

    Visiting: Per state guidelines, people will not be allowed to drop-in and “visit” for hours. Participants will be required to leave premises after their class or service. Although we wish this were not necessary, at this time it is to ensure everyone’s safety.

    Virtual Programs: We will continue to offer virtual programs and classes so that those who are still uncomfortable will have a way to feel connected and engaged.

    Entertainment: Unfortunately, we needed to cancel our Summer Concert Series this July due to safety concerns. We are however planning two outdoor entertainment shows over the summer. This will be a small group of 37-60 members that will be socially distanced and masked. People will need to register ahead of time. Once registered, you will pick up a ticket. No one will be admitted without a ticket. People will stay socially distanced. People ie: couples or people arriving in the same car and registered population is still the most at-risk group for contracting COVID-19 and  complications arising out of being infected. Safety, for our members and our staff, will remain our highest priority. It is not only our biggest concern; it is our responsibility together will be seated together in a pod. No more than 2 people will be seated together in a pod. You will need to bring your own chairs for any entertainment.

    Bathrooms: The Senior Center Building will not be open to the Public. All participants needing to use the restrooms will use the nearby porta- potty
    (located in the Town Woods Parking Lot nearest to the senior center gate).

    Fitness Classes: Fitness classes will be held outdoors during the day with continued social distancing of 10-12 feet between people. Maximum of 12
    people per class. Pre-registration is required. Rain/bad weather days classes may be held virtually or canceled. No walk in’s will be welcome. All safety
    protocols will be followed. If you arrive early, please remain in your car until it is your scheduled time. Once in your designated place you can take your mask off for the duration of the class. Masks MUST be worn to and from your spot, NO exceptions.

    Cards: Unfortunately, state guidelines do not permit games that cannot be thoroughly cleaned (cards, board games, etc.) to be allowed on Senior
    Center Grounds. It is also impossible to social distance (6-feet) while playing cards.

    Art Workshops: We will be resuming art workshops. Those that wish to paint will bring their own supplies. Water can be taken out of the hose. In
    addition, people using our card tables will need to bring a tablecloth to cover the table with. Our card tables and chairs can be used and will be left out
    again the porch area on the day of the workshop. EVERYONE needs to register in advance. Only those registered will be allowed to come. Maximum of 12 people will be assigned a socially distanced spot to work. If we have more than 12 people, we will set up more sessions a week. Everyone will be required to wear a mask during the workshop. Mask breaks can be taken over 20 feet away from tent and 12 feet from the nearest person. Participants will be required to wipe down and put table and chair against the porch. Disinfectant wipes will be provided.

    Trips: We will be resuming day trips in the Fall. (see upcoming newsletters for details). Specific Covid protocols will be in place.

    Books and Puzzles: We will continue to stock the table in front of our front doors with books and puzzles for you to borrow. Appointments are not
    needed for this service but please keep to one at the table at a time and remember to wear your mask when you browse.


    You can sign up for exercise class/art workshops starting on Wednesdays before the upcoming week.  All request need to be confirmed by email or by phone call. Messages or emails left do not ensure sign up. You can register for yourself and a spouse or caregiver only. People must have an active
    membership to take part in in-person programs. Classes/ Workshops have a 12 person maximum. If we are unable to accommodate everyone, we will
    offer multiple classes when possible OR you will be pre-signed up for the next class. People may sign up for one “like” program a week. Sign ups will be done weekly starting Wednesday of the week before. No sign up’s will be carried over from week to week.

    -You can sign up for Entertainment programs at any time up until a week before. Space is limited to 39 Pods. You can register for yourself and your spouse or caregiver. Tickets must be picked up 1 week prior to the event. No one will be admitted without a ticket. Tickets are free for members.
    – You can sign up for services (ie: nursing visits, blood pressure clinic, hair dressing appointments, and foot care appointments) at any time up to 48
    hours before scheduled service. Call (860)434-4127 Ext: 240 to schedule a foot care or hair dressing appointment. Call (860)434-4808 for nursing and blood pressure clinic.

    Upcoming VIRTUAL Classes and Programs Sign Up

    Upcoming VIRTUAL Classes and programs
    – To Sign Up email

    VIRTUAL CLASS  Date of First Class & Time/ Duration COST
    Slow and Steady Yoga Mondays 9:00-10:15am $7.00 a class
    Low Impact/ High Energy Dance Tues. & Thurs. 9:00am $20.00 a mo.
    Chair Yoga for Pain Wednesdays 9:00-10:15am $7.00 a class
    Tap Class Wednesdays at 11:00am FREE
    Slow and Steady Yoga Fridays 9:00-10:15am $7.00 a class
    FREE (VIRTUAL) American History Lecture Series with Jared Day, PHD
    Ulysses Grant: Civil War General Friday, May 7 at 2:00pm
    Ulysses Grant: Reconstruction President Friday, June 4 at 2:00pm
    FREE (VIRTUAL) Biography Lecture Series with Jared Day, PHD
    William Shakespeare and the Invention of English Literature Friday, May 21 at 2:00pm
    Mahatma Gandhi and the End of the British Empire Friday, June 18 at 2:00pm
    FREE (VIRTUAL) Food Experience: Easy, Delicious Recipes to make at home
    Join us for some fun with Sue Beeman, MS, RDN. With a specialty in senior nutrition, she will be leading a
    virtual Cooking Experience on Wednesday, June 9th at 1:00pm. The recipes will be Independence Day inspired
    and sent to you ahead of time. If you wish. you can prepare it with her OR just watch the demonstration. These
    recipes are easy, quick, healthy, and fun! Please RSVP before Tuesday, June 1st by calling (860) 434-4127 ext. 1.
    65 Additional Free Virtual Programs/ Lectures/ Classes are offered monthly to our members through a
    Connecticut Senior Center Exchange. For more information on participating in these programs, please email us

    Do you need more books to read OR jigsaw puzzles to do?
    We continue to have a table set out in front of our building with jigsaw puzzles and books including large print
    books for you to borrow. Feel free to stop by anytime and help yourself. When you finish please kindly return
    it by putting it in the Returns Bin located under the table. If you are homebound and would like a puzzles or
    books please call us and we can provide home delivery.

    Grab and Go Lunches are available through the Estuary Council. Five delicious and nutritious frozen meals
    per person are available for contact-less pick up every Tuesday morning at the Lymes’ Senior Center, 26 Town
    Woods Rd, Old Lyme, CT, from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm. The meals will be placed in your truck or back seat. You
    can place a check there as well for payment. All appropriate Covid-19 precautions are taken while handling
    the meals. Suggested donation is $15.00 for 5 meals, however if you cannot afford it, you are not required to
    pay. To get more information or to order the meals, call 860-388-1611. Meals MUST be ordered by the Friday
    before at 11am.

    Nonperishable Groceries
    If you are finding yourself in need if food please reach out to the Senior Center and we can provide you a bag
    of nonperishable groceries. Call (860)434-4127 to set up an appointment to pick it up.

    Paint and Plant Craft Kits Available
    In June, we will be putting together free craft kits for you to decorate your own terracotta pot and plant your
    own Pink Rain Lilly into it. Materials and directions will be included. Kits are limited to 25 people. Please call
    and sign up if you are interested. Craft kits will be available for pickup on Wednesday, June 2nd from 11-2pm.
    Delivery is available for any homebound members, just let us know when you sign up. Call 860-434-1605 ext.
    240 to sign up.

    Memorial Day Unscramble Puzzle!

    Memorial Day Unscramble!
    1. AOMNDY ____________________________________________
    2. RSEILDO ___________________________________________
    3. SSRAT _____________________________________________
    4. SREETAVN __________________________________________
    5. RCAIEMA ___________________________________________
    6. DRAEAP ____________________________________________
    7. NTOMMENU __________________________________________
    8. DEREFMO ___________________________________________
    9. HORON _____________________________________________
    10. IARLITMY __________________________________________
    11. LVCII ARW _________________________________________
    12. MIAERNS ___________________________________________
    13. RAYM ______________________________________________
    14. YVNA _______________________ _________ __________
    15. RWA _______________________________________________
    16. TSCAO RGAUD_______________________________________
    17. ERVSCIE ___________________________________________
    18. ESEOHR ____________________________________________
    19. DALIOHY ___________________________________________
    20. EDR _______________________________________________
    21. IWEHT _____________________________________________
    22. UBEL ______________________________________________
    23. CANMEARI GAFL _____________________________________
    24. SAU _______________________________________________


    Answer: 1.Monday 2.Soldier 3. Stars 4.Veterans 5. America 6. Parade 7. Monument 8.
    Freedom 9. Honor 10. Military 11. Civil War 12.Marines 13.Army 14.Navy
    15.War 16.Coast Guard 17.Service 18.Heroes 19.Holiday 20.Red 21. White
    22.Blue 23.American Flag 24.USA