Take on 2021
We all will feel a little cooped up during the next couple of months, won’t we? To help combat the gloom, it is time to dust off those old hobbies and find a few new news!! What about indoor gardening, walking or even writing?? Indoor gardening could be taking care of that poinsettia you got for the holidays, growing some lettuce, or buying an African Violet. Something to take care of and they are so pretty. Plus, you can eat the lettuce!! Walking is good for us and how about picking all of the days that it is above 35 to get outside and try to walk a mile. Maybe even get a buddy to join you. And as for writing we all have stories we like to tell. Write them down. Print them and put them in a folder. You will be surprised how much you will enjoy going down memory lane. And do not tell yourself you are not talented enough. It is your story, and you can tell it anyway you want!! So, make the time to renew some of your old hobbies, recharge, shift gears and discover new moxie.
I Ain’t Doing Nothing!!
Don’t think we’re all just sitting around with nothing to do! Poke around SeniorCenterCt.org and check the Zoom calendar. There are events for everyone. Call the Senior Centers and see what else is going on!! #Senior #class #event #happening #SeniorCenterCt #SeniorCenter https://epaper.theday.com/@Judy_Jencks7731133/csb_3LGq9k99AZZ-LEalcSUDlowQ93Jkh9-b5DYxu7BqYL7rNycdiJXJahrp1b1JeMWw
As Time Moves On
As time moves on, we might become old and worn but, on the inside, we are still young. This song helps us understand that even though the “Old Man” is on the other side of the door, we have the choice on whether we want to be that person or continue living as if we do not know how old we are.
So, get up every morning and “Don’t Let the Old Man In!!”
Life has Certainly Changed!!
Life has certainly changed!! Our lives are not what they were. Is it now time for you to do something else? Are you looking to expand on what you are doing or for a business opportunity? Well, nothing beats marketing to the ever-growing longevity market!! Roughly 24% of new businesses are being started by folks between 55 and 64. So yes it could be you! With the over-50 population exploding it makes perfect sense to capture part of this market with along with SeniorCenterCt.org. Here is a more complete article on how to accomplish your next chapter….
Upcoming FREE American History Lecture Series with Jared Day, PHD
Please Call (860) 434-4127 or email us at seniorcenter@oldlyme-ct.gov
to register for our programs or for more information on
becoming a member:
Driving ‘Destiny’: James Polk, the Mexican American War and Westward Expansion: Part 3
Friday, January 8th at 2:00pm
The Boiling Republic: The Coming of the Civil War, Part 1, Friday, February 5th at 1:00pm
The Boiling Republic: The Coming of the Civil War, Part 2, Friday, March 5th at 2:00pm