
    “Downton Abbey Style: Influences on Fashion, 1912 -1925”

    Wednesday, January 15th at 1:00pm, Susan Jerome Susan J. Jerome, Collections Manager at the University of Rhode Island Historic Textile and Costume Collection. will present “Downton Abbey Style: Influences on Fashion, 1912 -1925”. In this lecture she will explore the social, technological, and political developments of the early twentieth century as reflected in the notable evolution of women’s and men’s clothing. This power point presentation will look back at what was fashionable, or not, as a way of understanding why people wore what they did. We will look at some of the influential designers and other persons involved in the years spanning the series. Time will be given for questions and discussion, which are encouraged. Please call to sign up.

    New Class: Tai Ji Quan – Move for Better Balance

    NEW Tai Ji Quan – Move for Better Balance (TJQMBB) was designed by Fuzhong Li, Ph.D a senior scientist at the Oregon Research Institute. It is a research-based program designed for older adults at risk of falling andpeople with balance disorders.  Although It’s origins can be tied to the contemporary simplified 24-form Tai Ji Quan routine, TJQMBB is a programappropriate for all older adults of any fitness level, and represents a unique training approach to a systematic series of scientific studies to improve strength, movement and balance in older adults who are at risk of falling and/or struggle with movement and balance issues.

    3 Part Vision Board Program

    3 Part Vision Board Program Thursday, January 9, 16, and 23rd at 10:30am. On the 9th we will be watching the Movie: The Secret followed by 2 weeks of Designing your own Vision Board. Materials will cost $10.00. Please call to sign up.

    Braiden Sunshine

    Wednesday, January 8th at 1:00pm Braiden Sunshine will be here to perform. Come enjoy the music of our local superstar from “The Voice”.