
    Sepsis and Aging: What to Look For?

    Wednesday, December 4th at 1:00pm Mary McMahon, Clinical Director of the VNA of Southeastern CT presents Sepsis and Aging: What to Look For? Sepsis is the body’s life-threatening response to an infection. Without the right treatment, sepsis can cause organ failure, amputation, and death. More than 1.7 million people in the United States are diagnosed with sepsis every year – that’s one person every 20 seconds. Adults over 65 are 13 times more likely to be hospitalized than younger adults. Thousands of lives can be saved each year by simply raising awareness of its symptoms. Early recognition and treatment are key. Please call 860-434-4127 to register for this program.

    Holiday Tree Trimming

    Tuesday, December 3rd at 12:45pm for Holiday Tree Trimming. Please join us as we get into the spirit of the season! We will be trimming the trees in the senior center, listening to festive music, and enjoying some holiday refreshments.

    Gratitude Musical Program

    Tuesday, November 26th at 1:00pm for a Gratitude Musical Program with Marcy Conway. Come be grateful with us!

    Thanksgiving Luncheon

    Thursday, November 21st  at 12:00pm for the Thanksgiving Luncheon & performance featuring Joe Mac who plays 50’s, 60’s and 70’s Rock and Roll immediately following. Donations cost for lunch is $3.00 for seniors aged 60 and over. Lunch reservations need to be made between November 1st and November 12th by calling 860-388-1611 and telling them you wish to sign up for the Thanksgiving Luncheon at the Old Lyme Site.

    The New Horizon’s Band

    Wednesday, November 20th at 1:00pm as The New Horizon’s Band of the Community Music School will perform various marches, show tunes, classics and seasonal music for us. This all-Seniors band is a reminder to us that you are never too old to pick up an instrument.