
    Movie: Poms

    Tuesday, September 24th at 12:45pm Newly Released Movie Comedy POMS will be shown. POMS is a parody about a gathering of ladies who structure a cheer driving squad at their retirement network, demonstrating that you’re never too old to ‘even think about bringing it!’ Starring In the cast are Pam Grier, Diane Keaton and Jacki Weaver

    Entertainment:Banjo Man Tom Alvord

    Wednesday, September 18th at 1:00pm we will have back by popular demand Banjo Man Tom Alvord strumming and singing to “the real oldies

    6th Annual Nonagenarian Celebration (90 and Over)

    Tuesday, September 17th at 1:00pm we will be holding our 6th Annual Nonagenarian Celebration (90 and Over). If you or someone you know will be 90 or over by the end of 2019, please call (860)434-1605 ext. 240 to sign up to be honored at this
    celebration. All seniors, family members, and friends are welcome to attend and celebrate with us. Also those over 90 which have not already been added to our Wall of Honor will have a photograph taken at this event in addition we will have Pat Mitchell performing for this special event.

    Upcoming Current Events Lecture Series with Jared Day, PHD (F)


    China: The Next Superpower Friday, September 13th at 1:00pm FREE

    Immigration in International Perspective Friday, October 11th at 1:00pm FREE

    Perspectives on Africa: Past and Present Friday, November 8th at 1:00pm  FREE

    Movie: Diverted

    Wednesday, September 11th at 12:45pm the television movie produced in Canada “Diverted” will be shown in memory of September 11th. This movie is a fictional story based on the true life events of how on September 11th, 2001, 38 planes headed to New York City were diverted to Gander, Newfoundland, Canada. A town of 9,000 took in 7,000 passengers for 4 days until
    American airspace reopened