January Newsletter
Diabetes …Sometimes an Emergency…Sometimes Not
Diabetes…Sometimes an emergency…Sometimes Not will be presented by EMTs Colleen Atkinson and Doug LoPresti on January 31st at 1:00pm.
They will discuss this common and often misunderstood condition. In most cases it is easily
managed, sometimes with medication and other times with lifestyle changes. If left untreated, however, it can escalate to a lifethreatening emergency. Learn more about the signs and symptoms and what to watch out for. FREE Glucose testing will be available for anyone interested.
Songbird: Judy Hall
Come join us for a Sing a Long with Songbird Judy Hall on January 23rd at 1:00pm.
Bingo will be held on January 17th, February 21st, and March 21st at 1:00pm. Admission is $1.00 at the door.
FREE Memory Screening
Sign up for a FREE memory screening appointment on January 16th between 1-3pm with Deborah Ringen MSN, RN-BC from the Visiting Nurses of the Lower Valley. It’s free and confidential.
A memory screening is like many other routine health check-ups. It is a simple, non-invasive test designed to gauge memory, thinking and language skills. Screening consists of a
brief series of questions and tasks and only lasts about ten minutes. Call (860)434-1605 ext. 240 to sign up.