
    Are you new to computers, or find them confusing?

    If so, this is the class for you. Join us on January 8th from 1-3pm and get hands-on practice with basic computer skills. Learn the various parts of a computer, how to use the mouse and keyboard, and take a look at navigating around the Windows desktop. Computers are available to use or you can bring your own. Call (860)434-1605 ext. 240 to sign up for this free class

    Storm Preparedness

    UConn College of Agriculture, Health, and Natural Resources will be holding a three part series on Storm Preparedness on January 9, 10, &12 at 1:00pm.

    January 9 : Be Storm Prepared: Protect You, Your Family, Your Pets and Home presented by Mary Ellen Welch, Family and Consumer Sciences Educator, UConn Extension.
    When severe weather strikes, it can have a big impact!
    The safety of people, pets and livestock is most important!
    Develop a family communication plan to stay connected
    Get your checklist of items “to-do”.

    January 10:  Getting your Go-Pack Ready: Preparing your Kit, Financial Records and Important Household Papers
    presented by Faye Griffiths-Smith, Financial and Family Resource Management Educator, UConn Extension
    In the event of a severe storm, you may need to quickly evacuate your home to move to a safer location
    Be ready in advance by gathering basic supplies, financial records and important documents
    Make sure you have appropriate supplies and information organized to help you and your family be better prepared
    for storms and other life events

    January 12:   Stocking Up: Preparing your Emergency Food Supply presented by Mary Ellen Welch, Family and Consumer Sciences Educator, UConn Extension
    Stock up on food, water and supplies that can help you weather the storm
    Consider what food you have on hand and what may be compromised by power failure or flooding
    Use lists of suggested food and equipment, menu ideas and food storage charts to help you determine if food is safe to eat.

    Ashly Cruz Performance

    Join us for a performance from Ashley Cruz on January 3rd at 1:00 pm.
    “When asked to describe Ashly Cruz it is best to envision what would come down the pike were you to take a double shot of Janis Joplin, Betty Boop, and Marylin Monroe together (shaken and not stirred). WOW!!! Ashly is wildly entertaining and crowd pleasing. Music, theatre, and dance meld into one on stage.”

    Holiday Luncheon with Entertainment

    The Holiday Luncheon with Entertainment which is a $3.00 donation will be held on Wednesday, December 22nd at 12:00pm. Reservations can be made by calling (860)434-4322 between November 27th- December 8th.

    A Holiday Melody

    Join us on December 21st at 1:00pm as Lyme -Old Lyme High School Select Singers will be here to perform their Holiday Melody for us.