
    Free Hearing Clinic

    Nancy Jablonski & Rene Vicedomini, Audiologist Concierge will be here for a free hearing clinic July 5th from 10am-1pm to provide free hearing testing, hearing aid checks, wax inspection, and listening demonstrations.  By appointment only.  Call 860-434-1605 ext. 240 to sign up.

    Free Chess Lessons/Competitive Play

    FREE Chess Lessons/Competitive Play Want to learn how to play chess or challenge someone with 6 years of seasonal play at the Madison Chess Club? Paul Duchemin will be here to teach or play a game with you. Call 860-434-1605 ext.240 to sign up for free lessons or game play.

    Leadership of Lincoln and the 13th. Amendment

    Leadership of Lincoln and the 13th Amendment will be presented by Frank J. Williams, a retired Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Rhode Island and one of the country’s most renowned experts on Abraham Lincoln, on June 28th at 1:00 pm.  He is the author or editor of over fourteen books, has contributed chapters to several others, and has lectured on the subject throughout the country.  If you are interested in Presidential History, this is a program you will not want to miss.

    Movie: Lion

    On June 27th we will be showing the new movie “Lion” in closed caption at 12:45pm.  This movie is a true story about “a five-year-old Indian boy that gets lost on the streets of Calcutta, thousands of kilometers from home. He survives many challenges before being adopted by a couple in Australia; 25 years later, he sets out to find his lost family.”

    Free Seminar: Medicare Basics

    Healthcare is one of the most important decisions we make and it’s so important we have a solid grasp of the options prior to making a choice. This is especially true for Seniors when it comes to Medicare and the many diverse choices and options that we are faced with in the system. We receive information from many sources leading up to enrollment, but in many cases that can lead to further confusion. We’re offering a free seminar about Medicare basics and what you need to know when turning 65 at the Lymes’ Senior Center on June 20th at 1:00pm. The seminar will be presented by John Pitarra Jr and James Fernstrom of Senior Health Insurance, located in Clinton CT.