

    Bingo will be held at 1:00pm on Wednesday, August 1:00pm.  Pay $ 1.00 at the door.

    Movie: The Shack

    This newly released movie about the spiritual journey a man reluctantly takes after being shook by a family tragedy will be shown in closed caption on August 15th at 1:00pm.

    Medicare Boot Camp

    Presented by Senior Resources Agency on Aging, Medicare Bootcamp will help you understand your Medicare benefits. You will learn about Medicare A, B, C, and D, when to enroll, alternative Medicare options, and Medicare premium assistance programs. This free program will be held on August 8th at 1:00pm. No preregistration is necessary.

    Smart Phone for Beginners Class

    Smartphones are made to make our lives easier, but they are no help if you aren’t too sure how to use all the features. Bring your smartphone to this beginners’ class to learn how to add contacts, make a phone call, send a text, and browse the Internet. This free class will be held on August 7th for 1:00-3:00pm. Limited space available. Registration required.  Call (860)434-1605 ext. 240 to register.

    Concert: Pat Mitchell

    Join us on August 2nd at 1:00pm as Pat Mitchell, pianist who currently plays at the Norwich Inn and Sap and has performed for many years at the Lighthouse Inn, will entertain us. The performance is free and open for all to attend!