Sexuality and Intimacy after 75
Join us on August 5th at 11:30am as Karen Veselka, the Old Lyme Town Nurse, gives us a 30 minute presentation on Sexuality & Intimacy after 75.
Lecture: The Post Road in the 50’s
A Trip Down Memory Lane: The Post Road in the 50’s and how it got that Way Mark Lander, Co- President of the Old Lyme Historical Society will be presenting this reminiscent lecture on July 27th at 1:00pm.
Tired of being Tired ?
Tired of being tired? See how important a good night’s rest is and how you can avoid the dangers of sleep deprivation. Join us on August 9th at 1:00pm for a workshop presented by the CT Wellness Center and learn how to avoid the common issues associated with sleep deprivation such as heart issues, stress, and anxiety. To register please call (860)434-1605 ext. 240.
Cap Tel Caption Telephone Demonstration
Kim Schmidt from OEI will be here to demonstrate the Cap Tel Caption Telephone on August 3rd at 10:30 am. Come and learn how to use this phone which you can receive free of charge with medical signature (including from the Audiologist that does free testing here the first Wednesday of the month). The installation is also done free of charge. Call (860)434-1605 ext. 240 for more information
Lecture: Declaration of Independence
Our Founding Document: The Declaration of Independence In celebration of the 240th Anniversary of this document will be led by Mark Albertson on July 22nd at 1:00pm. He is an historical research editor at Army Aviation magazine and has authored three books: USS Connecticut: Constitution State Battleship, They’ll Have to Follow You! The Triumph of the Great White Fleet, and On History: A Treatise. He teaches World War II history at Norwalk Community College for Lifetime Learners.