Wellness Wednesday Lecture: Heart Attacks and Stroke
Wednesday, November 16th at 1:00pm
This lecture will address the Signs and Risks of Heart attacks and Stroke & give you an Action Plan if this happens to you or your loved one. Please pre-register for this event.
November’s program and refreshments are sponsored by
the Lower Valley Care Advocates
Felt Craft Class
Tuesday, November 15th from 12-3pm
Instructor Kristee will teach guests how to make felt from wool. Everyone will bring home a small bag made from this felt. Cost for materials will be $5.00 and will be due to Kristee upon arrival, Classes will be limited to 10 people so please RSVP early.
Mini Pedicures– November 8th & 10th by appointment $25.00
Haircuts-November 7thth and 23rd by appointment $15.00
Foot Clinic with Town Nurse (does not cut toenails) -Dec by appointment FREE
Foot Clinic with Foot Care Associates– (Cuts Toenails) Nov. 17 by app. $35.00
Blood Pressure Clinic Daily (Mon-Fri) from 12:00 -1:00pm– no app. needed FREE
Medicare Enrollment Help For people turning 65 or new to Medicare by app. FREE
Hearing Clinic November 28th by appointments
Call (860)434-4127 to schedule appointments
A Big Band Dinner Dance with the String of Pearls
Thursday, November 10h from 5:00-7:30pm
Join us for a dinner/dance featuring the Big Band String of Pearls. Dinner will be at 5:00pm and dancing will begin at 6:00pm. Tickets need to be purchased in advance.
Ticket price is $10.00 and includes Caesar Salad, Cheese Lasagna, Garlic Bread, and soda/ water and a ticket to the show!
Call (860)434-4127 for more information
November 10th at 9:30a,
at Brockway-Hawthorne Preserve. Brush Hill Road, Lyme CT.
Meet at the Brush Hill Rd. parking lot. We will walk to the Selden Cemetery and back past beautiful natural and manmade stone features. About 2.5 mile