
    Annual Medicare Review Seminar

    Friday, October 21st at 1:00pm


    Health and Retirement Services is offering local seminars to review Medicare, how it can impact you and if you’re getting all the benefits you should as things change annually. There’s lots of information about Medicare in TV commercials, mailings and phone calls, it’s so confusing and no one knows who to believe. Our goal is to provide clarity. We’ll be discussing the plan changes and differences between Original Medicare, Medicare Supplements, Medicare Advantage plans and Prescription drug plans. We’ll update you on available state assistance and new qualifications for all tiers of the Medicare Saving Program. We’ll also review how the Part D coverage gap or doughnut hole works and how the Insulin Saving program can impact your annual drug costs. We’re able to answer questions on all the plans offered in the state. This event is being facilitated by Senior Health and Retirement Service, located in Madison CT.


    Wellness Wednesday: A Better Nights Sleep

    Wednesday, October 19th at 1:00pm


    Occupational Therapist & owner of Radiant Journey, Jennifer Hirschberg-Wise will be presenting a better sleep program. Sleep disturbances are so prevalent in our society that to be sleep deprived and functioning on stimulants is accepted as “normal” functioning. During this experiential 60-minute workshop, we will take a deeper look at the structure of sleep and how sleep disturbances diminish function and quality of life. Learn how to apply evidence-based principles of a sleep routine and other meditative practices to create a better sleeping environment and practices to promote more restful sleep and improve functioning.

    Annual Veteran’s Appreciation Luncheon

    Monday, October 3rd at 12:00pm


    We will be holding our 7th Annual Veterans’ Appreciation Luncheon. All
    Veterans are invited to attend this free luncheon.

    If spouses or caregivers wish to attend the cost will be $5.00 due at the time of sign up.

    Please call (860)434-1605 ext. 240 before September 28th if you are a Veteran and wish to attend!

    Flu Clinic

    Saturday, October 22nd from 10:00am-1:00pm

    At Lyme Old Lyme Middle School


    A free flu clinic, sponsored by the OL VNA

    Please bring proof of Lyme or Old Lyme residency with you.

    This will be in a drive thru format.