
    “Take a Hike Thursday” Hiking Group Meets the second Thursday of the month at 9:30-11:30ish

    Join us for a refreshing morning walk led by Wendy Hill, Open Space Coordinator of Lyme and Vice President of the Lyme Land Trust. The walks are moderate unless noted. Bring a water bottle and dress for the weather. Reservations are required. Please email me at OR call (860) 434-4127 to make your reservation. All walks are 2.5 to 3 miles unless noted. Inclement weather cancels. May’s scheduled hike will be held on May 12th at Hartman Park in Lyme.

    “As the Page Turns Book Club” – Third Friday of the Month

    Copies of the selected book are available at the Lyme Library circulation desk. Just ask a staff member about picking up a copy. This is a collaborative effort between the Lyme Library and the Lymes’ Senior Center and will be facilitated by Librarian Melissa Fournier. Please email me at OR call (860) 434-4127 to register. Club will meet the third Friday of the month alternating between the senior center and the library.


    Decoding Medicare- Tuesday, May 24th at 1:00pm

    Decoding Medicare: How to Navigate with Choices Counselor Susan Beeman. This will be offered in-person and virtually; please signify which when you register.