
    January Closings & Snow Days

    If it snows or if snow is expected, please tune in to Channel 3 to see if we are closed or if
    we are closing early. It will be listed on the ticker at the bottom of your TV screen as
    “Lymes’ Senior Center”.

    The Senior Center will also be closed Monday, January 2nd for the New Year Holiday &
    Monday, January 16th for Martin Luther King Jr Day!


    The Senior Center will be closing at noon on December 23rd and will be closed on December
    26th for the Christmas Holiday. In addition, December 27th-30th, the center’s hours of operation will be 10am-2pm. Please check with your exercise instructors to find out if they will be holding exercise class the week after Christmas as many of them are taking the week off.

    If it snows or if snow is expected, please tune in to Channel 3 to see if we are closed or if we
    are closing early. It will be listed on the ticker at the bottom of your TV screen as “Lymes’
    Senior Center”. The Senior Center will also be closed Monday, January 2nd for the New Year’s Holiday & Monday, January 16th for Martin Luther King Jr Day.

    Annual Medicare Review Seminar

    Friday, October 21st at 1:00pm


    Health and Retirement Services is offering local seminars to review Medicare, how it can impact you and if you’re getting all the benefits you should as things change annually. There’s lots of information about Medicare in TV commercials, mailings and phone calls, it’s so confusing and no one knows who to believe. Our goal is to provide clarity. We’ll be discussing the plan changes and differences between Original Medicare, Medicare Supplements, Medicare Advantage plans and Prescription drug plans. We’ll update you on available state assistance and new qualifications for all tiers of the Medicare Saving Program. We’ll also review how the Part D coverage gap or doughnut hole works and how the Insulin Saving program can impact your annual drug costs. We’re able to answer questions on all the plans offered in the state. This event is being facilitated by Senior Health and Retirement Service, located in Madison CT.


    Grab and Go Lunches- Fridays at 10:45-11:15am

    Available through the Estuary Council. Five delicious and nutritious frozen meals per person are available for contact-less pick up every Friday morning at the Lymes’ Senior Center, 26 Town Woods Rd, Old Lyme, CT, from 10:45 to 11:15 am. The meals will be placed in your truck or back seat. You can place a check there as well for payment. All appropriate Covid19 precautions are taken while handling the meals. Suggested donation is $15.00 for 5 meals, however if you cannot afford it, you are not required to pay. To get more information or to order the meals, call 860-388-1611. Meals MUST be ordered by the Thursday before 11am.