Changing Hours
TVCCA Café Program
Friday, November 5th from 10:00 to 11:00am- Pop-Up drive-Thru Food Distribution
Our monthly food distribution will continue during November. We plan on
distributing the food on Friday, November 5th between the hours of 10:00 –
11:00 a.m. Unfortunately, some individuals confuse the advertised time of the
distribution and arrive much later in the day for food. We close at 11:00 a.m. If
you arrive at 11:30 or 12:00, the food has been packed up and sent back to
Norwich. We are most appreciative for the continued efforts of United
Community & Family Services extraordinary dedication to this valuable service for
our community. They also have co-sponsors for each distribution which is held.
Many banking institutions such as Charter Oak, Dime Bank, Core Plus Credit Union
are instrumental in making this process happen. Thanks to all!
TVCCA Energy Assistance Program- 2021
Applications will begin to be accepted on August 2nd. As of the printing of
this newsletter, the guidelines are incomplete and will be updated in upcoming
newsletters. At this time, there are some very basic things that must be provided
when you apply. They are:
*Social Security numbers for all household members.
*Birth date for all household members.
*A current active utility bill. The bill must be the listed household members name
that is age 18 or older. The bill must be complete, which means both top and
bottom of the bill must be intact before you make payment to the utility
company. (Usually, the bottom portion of the bill is removed and sent along with
your payment to the utility company.
*Current income documentation for every household member: Last four
consecutive week’s pay stubs (1 pay stub if paid monthly, 2 pay stubs if paid biweekly or 4 pay stubs if paid weekly) and/or Workman’s Compensation benefits
for the four weeks prior to your appointment date; showing gross income, tips,
commissions, and bonuses.
*Currently monthly Social Security, SSI, and/or Veteran’s benefit income
*Pension or Annuity check stub(s), or a letter from the payer on their letterhead
stating the gross amount.
*All bank interest statements and dividend payments for the past month (if more
than $10.00 per month.)
*Unemployment statements from the website or
unemployment history printout (Within 24 hours prior to the appointment)
showing the last four consecutive weeks.
*Income from alimony and/or child support from Child Support Enforcement
(letter or printout), a bank statement if payment goes directly into a bank
*Rental income. Current documentation verifying the amount of rent you collect
from your tenant(s).
*Self-employment…..Must fill out the Self-Employment Worksheet, have it
notarized and bring your most recent tax return with all schedules attached.
*DSS cash advance award letter-showing the current income for the household.
*A signed statement indicating the amount and frequency of payments from
friends and relatives who are contributing toward your household’s support that
includes the name, address, and telephone number of the contributing person.
If you are interested in applying for the program, you have several options.
I will be accepting applications, by appointment, at the Preston Town Hall and
Preston Elderly Housing. Phone 860-887-5581 ext. 6 leaving your name,
telephone number and reason for the call. Or, you can contact the TVCCA Office
directly and schedule an appointment by calling 860-425-6681. They are located
at 401 West Thames Street, Unit 201, Norwich, Ct.
Municipal Medical Transportation Service and Caregiver Transportation Program
The Town of Preston participates with 11 other towns in collaboration with
Eastern Connecticut Transportation Consortium and the CT Department of
Transportation to offer transportation services for medical appointments to
individuals age 60 and over and disabled adults. (This is a grant funded service
and there is no guarantee that funding will be available for the entire year).
To qualify, the program is open to individuals who reside in the Town of
Preston and have completed a registration form. (Individuals who are eligible for
free transportation through Medicaid are asked to use that program instead.)
Currently thirty-six one-way rides for the period of July 2, 2021 – June 30,
2022 can be provided for medical appointments in New London County as long as
funds are available.
Reservations must be made no later than 48 hours in advance but can be
scheduled up to 2 weeks ahead. Trips can be scheduled during normal business
hours. Requests for weekend and Monday trips must be made no later than
Friday by 2 p.m. Personal Care Attendants (or family member acting as an escort)
may accompany passengers who need extra help with entering and exiting the
vehicle or have other needs that make traveling independently unsafe.
In order to protect the health of others, passengers must be free from
acute illnesses such as flu, fever, vomiting, diarrhea, and infections such as
pneumonia. You may be asked to wear some sort of face covering by your
transportation provider (unless it is medically contraindicated).
For additional information on the Medical Transportation Program, please
contact the Senior Affairs Office at 860-887-5581 ext. 6.